Translations:Bizuri:Tuninguri:Loco Low Co./3/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: The shop is specialised on modifying lowrider vehicles, which are cars designed with powerful hydraulic pumps. These pumps allow both the driver to set another height for the vehic...)
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Versiunea curentă din 21 iulie 2015 16:54

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Definiția mesajului (Bizuri:Tuninguri:Loco Low Co.)
Garajul este specializat pentru modificarea maşinilor considerate LowRider, adică vehicule ce sunt concepute cu pompe hidraulice puternice astfel încat maşinii să-i fie permisă atât reglarea înalţimii cât şi să sară. Deşi hidraulicele sunt prezente în absolut toate tuning-urile, cele de tip LowRider ies în evidenţă, pompele fiind mai puternice. Garajul cuprinde şi alte componente ce se pot amplasa asupra vehiculului, componente ce diferă de la un vehicul LowRider la altul.
TraducereaThe shop is specialised on modifying lowrider vehicles, which are cars designed with powerful hydraulic pumps. These pumps allow both the driver to set another height for the vehicle and for the car itself to bounce. Even though hydraulics are present in every tuning shop, those for lowriders stand out. The garage also boasts other components that can be mounted on the vehicle, but they differ from a lowrider to another.

The shop is specialised on modifying lowrider vehicles, which are cars designed with powerful hydraulic pumps. These pumps allow both the driver to set another height for the vehicle and for the car itself to bounce. Even though hydraulics are present in every tuning shop, those for lowriders stand out. The garage also boasts other components that can be mounted on the vehicle, but they differ from a lowrider to another.