Translations:Bizuri:Benzinarii/4/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: == /fillgascan == This command is used to fill your gas canister. The canister will be filled only if the player using the command owns one.<br /> Any player on the server can buy...)
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Versiunea de la data 21 iulie 2015 13:57

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Definiția mesajului (Bizuri:Benzinarii)
== /fillgascan ==
Comanda este folosită pentru a umple canistra de combustibil. Canistra va fi umplută doar dacă cel ce foloseşte comanda deţine una.<br />
Orice jucător de pe server poate să-şi cumpere o canistră de combustibil de la un magazin [[Bizuri:24/7|24/7]].<br />
Comanda este executată cu succes numai dacă vă aflaţi destul de aproape de staţia de alimentare, într-un vehicul sau pe jos.<br />
Odata cu execuţia corectă şi cu succes a comenzii, canistra va fi umplută si va avea un volum capabil să umple rezervorul unui vehicul cu 20% combustibil prin comanda /fill, fără a fi necesar să fii într-una dintre stațiile de alimentare.
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Traducerea== /fillgascan ==
This command is used to fill your gas canister. The canister will be filled only if the player using the command owns one.<br />
Any player on the server can buy a gas canister from one of the [[Bizuri:24/7|24/7]] shops.<br />
The command will be successfully executed only if you are close enough to the gas pumps, either aboard a vehicle or on-foot.<br />
One you have executed the command properly, the gas canister will be entirely filled and will later on have the ability to refill a vehicle's fuel tank with 20%.
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This command is used to fill your gas canister. The canister will be filled only if the player using the command owns one.
Any player on the server can buy a gas canister from one of the 24/7 shops.
The command will be successfully executed only if you are close enough to the gas pumps, either aboard a vehicle or on-foot.
One you have executed the command properly, the gas canister will be entirely filled and will later on have the ability to refill a vehicle's fuel tank with 20%.