Translations:Factiuni:Descriere Generala/19/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: Not abiding by the server's rules, general faction rules or internal faction rules will lead to your punishment within the faction.)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
Not abiding by the server's rules, general faction rules or internal faction rules will lead to your punishment within the faction.
= Complaints and Punishments within Factions =
As a members of a faction, from time to time some complaints might be submitted regarding you, and the leader has to analyse them and decide if you have broken one of the faction's rules. You will be automatically notified on the website when a complaint regarding you is submitted, when such a complaint receives new comments or when it has been answered by the leader. As a faction member, you have the right to defend yourself by writing a comment with proof or other useful information for the leader, to facilitate their answer to the complaint.

Versiunea curentă din 8 februarie 2023 19:26

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Definiția mesajului (Factiuni:Descriere Generala)
= Reclamații și Sancțiuni Facțiuni =
Ca membru de facțiune vei primi din când în când reclamații la adresa ta pe care liderul trebuie să le analizeze și să decidă dacă ai încălcat sau nu vreo regulă a facțiunii din care faci parte. Vei primi automat o notificare pe website atunci când se face o reclamație la adresa ta, când reclamația ta primește comentarii noi sau când reclamația ta primește un răspuns din partea liderului. Ca membru de facțiune ai dreptul de a te apăra cu dovezi și informații folositoare în favoarea ta lăsând un comentariu în reclamație astfel ca liderului să îi fie mai ușor să răspundă reclamației tale.
Traducerea= Complaints and Punishments within Factions =
As a members of a faction, from time to time some complaints might be submitted regarding you, and the leader has to analyse them and decide if you have broken one of the faction's rules. You will be automatically notified on the website when a complaint regarding you is submitted, when such a complaint receives new comments or when it has been answered by the leader. As a faction member, you have the right to defend yourself by writing a comment with proof or other useful information for the leader, to facilitate their answer to the complaint.

Complaints and Punishments within Factions

As a members of a faction, from time to time some complaints might be submitted regarding you, and the leader has to analyse them and decide if you have broken one of the faction's rules. You will be automatically notified on the website when a complaint regarding you is submitted, when such a complaint receives new comments or when it has been answered by the leader. As a faction member, you have the right to defend yourself by writing a comment with proof or other useful information for the leader, to facilitate their answer to the complaint.