Translations:B-Zone Wiki:Politica de confidențialitate/42/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: d) The right to delete (The right to be forgiven) Each data subject has the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the deletion of personal data con...)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
d) The right to delete (The right to be forgiven)
d. The right to delete (The right to be forgiven)
Each data subject has the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the deletion of personal data concerning him without undue delay, and the operator has the obligation to delete personal data without undue delay when one of the following reasons applies, as long as processing is not necessary (for example, in cases where a financial transaction has taken place):
Each data subject has the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the deletion of personal data concerning him without undue delay, and the operator has the obligation to delete personal data without undue delay when one of the following reasons applies, as long as processing is not necessary (for example, in cases where a financial transaction has taken place):

Versiunea curentă din 7 martie 2020 13:44

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Definiția mesajului (B-Zone Wiki:Politica de confidențialitate)
d) Dreptul la ștergere (Dreptul de a fi iertat
Fiecare persoană vizată are dreptul acordat de legiuitorul european de a obține de la controlor ștergerea datelor cu caracter personal care îl privesc fără întârzieri nejustificate, iar operatorul are obligația de a șterge datele cu caracter personal fără întârzieri nejustificate atunci când unul dintre motivele următoare se aplică, atât timp cât prelucrarea nu este necesară (de exemplu, în cazurile în care a avut loc o tranzacție financiară):
Traduceread. The right to delete (The right to be forgiven)
Each data subject has the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the deletion of personal data concerning him without undue delay, and the operator has the obligation to delete personal data without undue delay when one of the following reasons applies, as long as processing is not necessary (for example, in cases where a financial transaction has taken place):

d. The right to delete (The right to be forgiven) Each data subject has the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the deletion of personal data concerning him without undue delay, and the operator has the obligation to delete personal data without undue delay when one of the following reasons applies, as long as processing is not necessary (for example, in cases where a financial transaction has taken place):