Translations:Alte sisteme:Missions/5/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: * There are two missions with a deathmath theme. ** The first mission consists of obtaining a '''Jetpack''' which Ryder wants. He will provide weapons and a helicopter which you ne...)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
* There are two missions with a deathmath theme.
* There are two missions with a deathmath theme.
** The first mission consists of obtaining a '''Jetpack''' which Ryder wants. He will provide weapons and a helicopter which you need to fly in '''Area 69''', where you have to kill the cops that stand guard and obtain the location of the Jetpack. After you manage to find out the location, respectively the Jetpack, you will have to take it back to Ryder to finish the mission. In all this time you will be chased by cops.
** The first mission consists of obtaining a '''Jetpack''' which Ryder wants. He will provide weapons and a helicopter which you need to fly in '''Area 69''', where you have to kill the cops that stand guard and obtain the location of the Jetpack. After you manage to find out the location, respectively the Jetpack, you will have to take it back to Ryder to finish the mission. In all this time you will be chased by cops.
*** Prize: '''$20,000 and 5 MPs'''
*** Prize: '''$15,000 and 5 MPs'''
** The second mission consists of stealing some weapons for Ryder. These weapons are located inside a well guarded building. In order to get them you will have to kill all the guards and detonate a part of the building. At the end of the mission you will get captured by an enemy and will have to find out a way to escape.
** The second mission consists of stealing some weapons for Ryder. These weapons are located inside a well guarded building. In order to get them you will have to kill all the guards and detonate a part of the building. At the end of the mission you will get captured by an enemy and will have to find out a way to escape.
*** Prize: '''$20,000 and 5 MPs'''
*** Prize: '''$15,000 and 5 MPs'''

Versiunea de la data 29 mai 2018 12:38

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Definiția mesajului (Alte sisteme:Missions)
* Sunt disponibile trei misiuni cu tematică deathmatch.
** Prima misiune constă în obținerea unui '''Jetpack''' pe care-l dorește Ryder. Acesta o să vă furnizeze arme și un elicopter cu care veți zbura până în '''Area 69''', unde va trebui să omorâți polițiștii care stau de pază și să obțineți locația Jetpackului. După ce ați reușit să obțineți locația acestuia, respectiv Jetpackul, va trebui să-l duceți înapoi lui Ryder pentru a finaliza misiunea. În tot acest timp veți fi urmăriți de către polițiști.
*** Premiu: '''$15,000 și 5 MP-uri'''
** Ce-a de-a doua misiune constă în a fura niște arme pentru Ryder. Respectivele arme se află într-o clădire bine păzită. Pentru a le putea obține va trebui să omori toți paznicii și să detonezi o parte din clădire. La finalul misiunii vei fi capturat de către un inamic și va trebui să afli o modalitate de a scăpa din mâinile sale.
*** Premiu: '''$5,000 și 3 MP-uri'''
** Ce-a de-a treia misiune constă în a fura niște droguri pentru Ryder. Respectivele droguri se află într-o clădire bine păzită. Pentru a le putea obține va trebui, în primul rând să furati o uniforma de polițist, apoi să faceți rost de arme si de un Enforcer pe care-l veți găsi în Dillimore LS, iar într-un sfârșit să ajungeți la clădirea respectivă din Montgomery LS să omorâți toți paznicii și să furați drogurile pentru Ryder. După ce ați reușit să obțineți drogurile, va trebui să îi le duceți lui Ryder pentru a finaliza misiunea.
*** Premiu: '''$5,000 și 3 MP-uri'''
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Traducerea* There are two missions with a deathmath theme.
** The first mission consists of obtaining a '''Jetpack''' which Ryder wants. He will provide weapons and a helicopter which you need to fly in '''Area 69''', where you have to kill the cops that stand guard and obtain the location of the Jetpack. After you manage to find out the location, respectively the Jetpack, you will have to take it back to Ryder to finish the mission. In all this time you will be chased by cops.
*** Prize: '''$15,000 and 5 MPs'''
** The second mission consists of stealing some weapons for Ryder. These weapons are located inside a well guarded building. In order to get them you will have to kill all the guards and detonate a part of the building. At the end of the mission you will get captured by an enemy and will have to find out a way to escape.
*** Prize: '''$15,000 and 5 MPs'''
  • There are two missions with a deathmath theme.
    • The first mission consists of obtaining a Jetpack which Ryder wants. He will provide weapons and a helicopter which you need to fly in Area 69, where you have to kill the cops that stand guard and obtain the location of the Jetpack. After you manage to find out the location, respectively the Jetpack, you will have to take it back to Ryder to finish the mission. In all this time you will be chased by cops.
      • Prize: $15,000 and 5 MPs
    • The second mission consists of stealing some weapons for Ryder. These weapons are located inside a well guarded building. In order to get them you will have to kill all the guards and detonate a part of the building. At the end of the mission you will get captured by an enemy and will have to find out a way to escape.
      • Prize: $15,000 and 5 MPs