Translations:Alte sisteme:Waruri/15/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: == Distributing weapons == * Unlikewise classic wars, where weapons are ordered at the HQ using the ''/order'' command, in the supremacy wars, weapons are bought using the ''/guns'...)
(Nicio diferență)

Versiunea de la data 13 februarie 2017 21:53

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Definiția mesajului (Alte sisteme:Waruri)
=== Distribuirea armelor ===
* Spre deosebire de warurile clasice, unde armele sunt comandate la HQ prin intermediul comenzii ''/order'', in warurile de suprematie, armele sunt procurate cu ajutorul comenzii ''/guns'', care odata actionata va genera dialoguri succesive prin care jucatorul isi va putea alege prima, respectiv cea de-a doua arma (primary & secondary).
* Dupa deces, jucatorul va fi respawnat cu ultimele doua arme comandate folosind comanda ''/guns''.
* Pentru a schimba armele, jucatorul poate actiona comanda ''/guns'' si alegandu-si noile arme prin acelasi tip de dialog succesiv.
Traducerea== Distributing weapons ==
* Unlikewise classic wars, where weapons are ordered at the HQ using the ''/order'' command, in the supremacy wars, weapons are bought using the ''/guns'' command, that once sent will generate succesive dialogs where players can choose the first and the second weapon (primary & secondary).
* After death, the player will respawn with the same two weapons once ordered using ''/guns''.
* To change weapons, the player can use the ''/guns'' command again, choosing the new weapons through the same succesive dialog.

Distributing weapons

  • Unlikewise classic wars, where weapons are ordered at the HQ using the /order command, in the supremacy wars, weapons are bought using the /guns command, that once sent will generate succesive dialogs where players can choose the first and the second weapon (primary & secondary).
  • After death, the player will respawn with the same two weapons once ordered using /guns.
  • To change weapons, the player can use the /guns command again, choosing the new weapons through the same succesive dialog.