Translations:Alte sisteme:Waruri/5/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: = Drugs = If a gangster runs low on health, they can use drugs to replenish it. Based on their type, drugs can be classified as follows: # Marijuana - executing ''/usedrugs marijua...)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
= Drugs =
== Drugs ==
If a gangster runs low on health, they can use drugs to replenish it. Based on their type, drugs can be classified as follows:
If a gangster runs low on health, they can use drugs to replenish it. Based on their type, drugs can be classified as follows:
# Marijuana - executing ''/usedrugs marijuana'' consumes 2 grams of drugs. This substance gives the player 5HP, but also 2% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
# Marijuana - executing ''/usedrugs marijuana'' consumes 2 grams of drugs. This substance gives the player 5HP, but also 2% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.

Versiunea de la data 13 februarie 2017 21:43

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Definiția mesajului (Alte sisteme:Waruri)
== Droguri ==
În cazul în care un gangster rămâne fără viață, el poate folosi droguri pentru a și-o recăpăta. În funcție de importanța lor, drogurile se clasifică astfel: 
# Marijuana - folosind comanda ''/usedrugs marijuana'' se vor consuma 2 grame din totalul de droguri pe care le deține. Acest drog oferă gangsterului 5 HP, însă și 2% dependență sau efecte secundare precum amețeală.
# Cocaine - Un jucător poate folosi acest drog tastând comanda ''/usedrugs cocaine''. Va consuma 4 grame din totalul de droguri pe care îl deține, va primi 20 HP, însă și 4% dependență sau efecte secundare precum amețeală.
# Ecstasy - Acest drog poate fi folosit utilizând comanda ''/usedrugs ecstasy''. Se vor consuma 8 grame din totalul de droguri deținut, iar jucătorul va primi 50 HP. Spre deosebire de celelalte droguri, acesta oferă 10% dependență și un efect secundar neobișnuit. Odată folosit acest drog caracterul va cădea la pământ automat pentru 10 secunde. În acest timp comanda /stopanim este inutilă.
# Meth sau metamfetamină - Acest drog este cel mai puternic, însă și cel mai de folos datorită consecințelor. Folosind comanda ''/usedrugs meth'', se vor consuma 12 grame de droguri. Jucătorul va primi 100% HP, însă și 20% dependență și imposibilitatea de a se mișca timp de 20 de secunde.
''Notă 1: Există comanda ''/fput drugs'' respectiv ''/fget drugs'' pentru controlul seifului de droguri al gangului.''<br />
''Notă 2: Această dependență poate fi scăzută de la spitalul din orașul Los Santos folosind comanda /rehab.''<br />
''Notă 3: Aflați mai multe detalii accesând pagina [[Alte_sisteme:Droguri|Droguri]].''
Traducerea== Drugs ==
If a gangster runs low on health, they can use drugs to replenish it. Based on their type, drugs can be classified as follows:
# Marijuana - executing ''/usedrugs marijuana'' consumes 2 grams of drugs. This substance gives the player 5HP, but also 2% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
# Cocaine - it can be consumed through ''/usedrugs cocaine''. Four grams are deducted off your total drug amount. You will receive 20HP, but also 4% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
# Ecstasy - it can be used through ''/usedrugs ecstasy''. Eight grams of drugs will get consumed. It gives out 50HP and 10% addiction. Unlike other drugs, it has an unusual side effect: the character will fall to the ground for 10 seconds. Meanwhile, it is useless to try /stopanim.
# Meth or methamphetamine - this is the strongest of all, but also the most useful. Typing in ''/usedrugs meth'' will take 12 grams off your total. The player get 100% HP, 20% addiction and becomes motionless for 20 seconds.
''Note 1: To control the gang's drugs safe, the commands ''/fput drugs'' and ''/fget drugs'' are available.''<br />
''Note 2: This addiction level can be lowered at Los Santos' Hospital, by using /rehab.'' <br />
''Note 3: Learn more about this by visiting our page dedicated to [[Alte_sisteme:Droguri|Drugs]].''


If a gangster runs low on health, they can use drugs to replenish it. Based on their type, drugs can be classified as follows:

  1. Marijuana - executing /usedrugs marijuana consumes 2 grams of drugs. This substance gives the player 5HP, but also 2% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
  2. Cocaine - it can be consumed through /usedrugs cocaine. Four grams are deducted off your total drug amount. You will receive 20HP, but also 4% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
  3. Ecstasy - it can be used through /usedrugs ecstasy. Eight grams of drugs will get consumed. It gives out 50HP and 10% addiction. Unlike other drugs, it has an unusual side effect: the character will fall to the ground for 10 seconds. Meanwhile, it is useless to try /stopanim.
  4. Meth or methamphetamine - this is the strongest of all, but also the most useful. Typing in /usedrugs meth will take 12 grams off your total. The player get 100% HP, 20% addiction and becomes motionless for 20 seconds.

Note 1: To control the gang's drugs safe, the commands /fput drugs and /fget drugs are available.
Note 2: This addiction level can be lowered at Los Santos' Hospital, by using /rehab.
Note 3: Learn more about this by visiting our page dedicated to Drugs.