To forward a complaint to the server's administration, press the "Report this player to admins" button, located in the "General Info" tab.
Firstly, to make a complaint, you have to log into your account on the RPG website to which you belong. Once logged in, you have to access the "Players" page from the website's navigation and then go to the "Search Player" tab. Search for the player you wish to accuse in the complaint and once their name is displayed by the auto-suggest system, enter their profile.
The website will redirect you to a simple form that you need to fill in accordingly, otherwise, the complaint may be rejected.
Versiunea de la data 10 iulie 2023 00:40
How do I forward a complaint?
Firstly, to make a complaint, you have to log into your account on the RPG website to which you belong. Once logged in, you have to access the "Players" page from the website's navigation and then go to the "Search Player" tab. Search for the player you wish to accuse in the complaint and once their name is displayed by the auto-suggest system, enter their profile.