Translations:Alte sisteme:Clans/3/en: Diferență între versiuni

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* When a clan member uses /spray, an informative message is sent to the clan members who control the attacked zone.
* When a clan member uses /spray, an informative message is sent to the clan members who control the attacked zone.
* A mark on the wall is composed of the clan's name in the upper side and its TAG on the bottom side.
* A mark on the wall is composed of the clan's name in the upper side and its TAG on the bottom side.
* <font color="red">Players that are department members are not allowed to participate in spray activities.</font>

Versiunea curentă din 16 mai 2019 08:35

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Definiția mesajului (Alte sisteme:Clans)
= Sistemul de Spray =
* Există un sistem ce menține concurența între clanurile fiecarui server RPG, bazat pe desenarea zidurilor cladirilor cu graffiti (''imaginea #8'').
* Omorârea adversarilor (membrii clanurilor rivali) este permisă cât timp sunteți la datorie (/clanduty).
*Există un număr total de 45 ziduri pe care membrii clanurilor pot inscripționa numele și TAG-ul clanului, câte 15 în fiecare dintre cele 3 orașe.
*Pentru a obține informații cu privire la zonele in care se află zidurile clanurilor, se poate folosi comanda /clanzones.
*În fiecare zi la ora 19:00 (ora serverului) se vor calcula câștigurile în gold pentru fiecare clan. Clanul care a deținut o anumită zonă pentru cel mai mult timp, va primi 10 gold. Exemplu: Dacă un clan a dominat 3 zone pentru cel mai mult timp, va primi 30 Gold. Timpul de dominare al unei zone nu va crește pe timp de noapte (între orele 02:00 şi 07:59).
*Timpul de dominare al unei zone se calculează în puncte. Există un număr total de 540 de puncte de dominare pentru fiecare zonă.
*Pentru a începe procesul de desenare a peretelui, se folosește comanda /spray.
*Comanda /spray funcționează doar dacă vă aflați destul de aproape de zidul ce urmează a fi desenat și dacă sunteți la datorie.
*Nu se va putea folosi comanda /spray între orele 02:00 şi 07:59.
*Odată tastată comanda /spray, jucătorul are la dispoziție 90 de secunde pentru a termina de desenat peretele.
*Dacă membrii clanului nu reușesc să termine de desenat un perete până la 100% în cele 90 de secunde, zidul va deveni din nou disponibil pentru desenare.
*În timpul în care membrii unui clan desenează un zid, nici un membru al altui clan nu va putea folosi comanda /spray asupra zidului respectiv.
*Singura modalitate pentru apărare a zidurilor clanului, este de a-i îndepărta pe membrii celorlalte clanuri de acea zona, prin diverse metode (de exemplu, omorându-i).
* Atunci când un membru al unui clan va folosi comanda /spray, un mesaj informativ va fi trimis către membrii clanului ce dețin zona atacată.
* Un desen pe un zid este format din numele clanului în partea de sus și TAG-ul clanului în partea de jos.
* <font color="red">Jucătorii care fac parte din departamente nu au voie să participe la activitatea de spray.</font>
Traducerea= Clan Spray System =
* There is a system keeping competition between server clans, based on spraying walls with graffiti (''image #8'').
* Killing enemies (rival clan members) is allowed if you are on duty (/clanduty)
* There are a total of 45 walls on which clan members may write their clan's name and TAG, 15 in each of the 3 cities.
* For information regarding the location of clan walls, use /clanzones.
* Every day at 19:00 (RO, GMT+2), gold revenues for each clan are calculated. The clan that owned a zone the longest will receive 10 Gold. For example: if a clan owned 3 zones the longest, it will receive 30 Gold. During the night (02:00 - 07:59 GMT+2), this time is not taken into account.
* The time a clan controls a zone is measured in point. For each zone, there is a maximum of 540 points.
* To start the marking process on the wall, you must use /spray. 
* The /spray command works only if you are close enough to the wall you wish to mark and if you are on-duty.
* You may not use the /spray command between 02:00 and 07:59 (RO, GMT+2). 
* Once the command is executed, the player has 90 seconds to finish marking the wall.
* If clan members do not manage to mark the wall 100% in 90 seconds, then the wall becomes again available for marking.
* While members of a clan mark a wall, none of the members of a rival clan may use /spray on that wall.
* The only way of defending clan walls is to remove the other clans' members from that zone, using various methods (for example, killing them).
* When a clan member uses /spray, an informative message is sent to the clan members who control the attacked zone.
* A mark on the wall is composed of the clan's name in the upper side and its TAG on the bottom side.
* <font color="red">Players that are department members are not allowed to participate in spray activities.</font>

Clan Spray System

  • There is a system keeping competition between server clans, based on spraying walls with graffiti (image #8).
  • Killing enemies (rival clan members) is allowed if you are on duty (/clanduty)
  • There are a total of 45 walls on which clan members may write their clan's name and TAG, 15 in each of the 3 cities.
  • For information regarding the location of clan walls, use /clanzones.
  • Every day at 19:00 (RO, GMT+2), gold revenues for each clan are calculated. The clan that owned a zone the longest will receive 10 Gold. For example: if a clan owned 3 zones the longest, it will receive 30 Gold. During the night (02:00 - 07:59 GMT+2), this time is not taken into account.
  • The time a clan controls a zone is measured in point. For each zone, there is a maximum of 540 points.
  • To start the marking process on the wall, you must use /spray.
  • The /spray command works only if you are close enough to the wall you wish to mark and if you are on-duty.
  • You may not use the /spray command between 02:00 and 07:59 (RO, GMT+2).
  • Once the command is executed, the player has 90 seconds to finish marking the wall.
  • If clan members do not manage to mark the wall 100% in 90 seconds, then the wall becomes again available for marking.
  • While members of a clan mark a wall, none of the members of a rival clan may use /spray on that wall.
  • The only way of defending clan walls is to remove the other clans' members from that zone, using various methods (for example, killing them).
  • When a clan member uses /spray, an informative message is sent to the clan members who control the attacked zone.
  • A mark on the wall is composed of the clan's name in the upper side and its TAG on the bottom side.
  • Players that are department members are not allowed to participate in spray activities.