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Linia 34: Linia 34:
* Its money, both in bank and cash.
* Its money, both in bank and cash.
* Phone number
* Phone number
* Number played on lotto
3. This is your character's criminal record and lists the following:
3. This is your character's criminal record and lists the following:
* Committed crimes
* Committed crimes

Versiunea de la data 26 septembrie 2016 19:16

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română

Players may access the page "My Account" only if they had previously logged-in on the website with their in-game RPG credentials (name and password). On the left-hand side of the page, you can find a side menu with tabs containing information about your account.
Note: Learn more about useful in-game commands regarding your account by clicking here.

My Account on RPG1
My Account on RPG2
My Account on RPG3
My Account on RPG4

General Info

1. On this page, dedicated to general information, you can find basic statistics of your account on the main table:

  • Name
  • E-mail
  • Join Date
  • Last Login
  • Warnings received from administrators
  • Whether the character is married
  • Spouse's name
  • Amount of gold (real currency) that the player possesses.
  • Whether they are a premium user or not (if it is the former, the expiration date is displayed).
  • Account's ban status
  • Duration of last session

2. In the second table, you may find details about your character's social status on the RPG server:

  • Its level
  • Its ranking
  • Amount of respect points
  • Amount of played hours
  • Amount of played hours in that month
  • Its money, both in bank and cash.
  • Phone number

3. This is your character's criminal record and lists the following:

  • Committed crimes
  • Arrested times
  • Wanted deaths (how many times you died after being killed by an officer)
  • Quantity of materials
  • Quantity of drugs

4. In the bottom half of the page, a range of icons represents all your obtainable licenses. Below each of them, a timer shows how many hours your license has left before it expires.

5. This page also features a box where your in-game skin is displayed.


Actual, există trei tipuri de realizări pe care le poate îndeplini un jucător pe un server RPG:

  • Să devină administrator.
  • Să devină helper.
  • Să devină liderul unei facțiuni.


The Faction page contains information and logs about your current and former factions.


A special table on this page displays main data regarding your current faction:

  • Name of the faction you are part of.
  • Join date
  • Rank
  • Faction Warnings
  • Faction Punish points

Top 5 faction ranks

În acest tabel, va fi afișat topul celor mai mari 5 rankuri obținute în facțiuni.

Latest Faction Applications

This table shows recent applications forwarded by you:

  • Date
  • Faction name
  • Application status (Accepted/Tests Failed/Rejected/Invited)
  • A link to your application

Latest Faction Logs

In this category, the table collects data when your leader executes faction-related commands on you (ex: /invite):

  • Date
  • Faction Name
  • Command's outcome

Faction Activity

On this page, any faction member can view their faction statistics collected within the week.
There are two categories in which your weekly statistics may fit:

  1. Items registered as valid
  2. Items registered as invalid

Note: If your faction leader considers a certain item is corrupted/fraudulent/has other issues, they can mark it as invalid. Each faction has its own policy when it comes to items' validity.

Faction Reports

You can review your own activity reports since you have become a faction member. This data is organised into a table and displays:

  • Name of the faction in which you had completed the report
  • Time interval (a week)
  • Amount of earned points.


Primul tabel din pagină va afișa facțiunile care v-au adăugat pe lista neagră și informațiile necesare pentru a vă scoate de pe respectiva listă. În tabelul următor se vor afișa toate facțiunile la care ați fost adăugați pe lista neagra de-a lungul timpului.


The Clan tab has information similar to the Faction tab's. Here is displayed data about your recent clan applications and a log regarding clan-related commands that the leader has executed on you. The first table contains details about your applications and lists the following:

  • Application's date
  • Clan name
  • Application's status (Accepted/Rejected/Invited)
  • A View button which redirects you to the application.


On this page, you may find a table with details about your jobs: your skill for each of them and your current workplace.
Note: The text follows the pattern: Job Name - Skill value. The first line follows: Current Job - Its Name.


If you own a business, this page will display an informative table with some details:

  • Business's unique ID.
  • Name of the business, set by the owner using the in-game command /bizname.
  • Minimum level required to own that business.
  • Cash value of its safe.
  • Tax set for the business.
  • Estimated value of the business.
  • A button (Map) which redirect you to another page. There, you may consult a map of the entire game. On the map, a red marker indicated the business's location.


This page provides you with an informative table about your own house or your rented room. It shows:

  • House's unique ID.
  • Type of house (number of rooms).
  • Minimum level required to purchase.
  • If the house is unlocked and whether someone can rent a room there (/rentroom).
  • Rent fee.
  • Cash value of its safe (revenues from rent).
  • Estimated house value.
  • Whether the house is fitted with heal upgrade and/or armour upgrade.
  • A button (Map) which redirect you to another page. There, you may consult a map of the entire game. On the map, a red marker indicated the house's location.

General Info

Aceasă pagină deține un tabel informativ cu privire la caracteristicile propriei case, sau ale casei la care stați în chirie. Tabelul cuprinde:

  • ID-ul unic al casei.
  • Tipul casei (aici sunt afișate și numărul de camere).
  • Nivelul necesar achiziționării casei.
  • Informații ce vă arată dacă locuința este descuiată și dacă posibilitatea de închiriere este activată (/rentroom).
  • Valoarea taxei pentru chirie.
  • Valoarea în bani a seifului casei, bani proveniți din chirie.
  • Valoarea estimată a casei.
  • Date menite să vă arate dacă locuința deține heal upgrade sau armour upgrade.
  • Un buton (Map), care, apăsându-l vă va redirecționa către o altă pagină. În respectiva pagină websiteul vă va pune la dispoziție o întreagă hartă a jocului ce deține un punct roșu pe aceasta. Punctul roșu de pe hartă, reprezintă locația locuinței jucătorului/la care se află în chirie jucătorul.
  • Numărul total de chiriași din casă.
  • Numărul de chiriași online în momentul accesării website-ului.


Pagina afisează un tabel care cuprinde diverse informații despre chiriași:

  • Numele
  • Data ultimei autentificări pe server
  • Nivelul
  • Cantitatea de puncte de respect
  • Numărul de ore jucate
  • Facțiunea
  • Rankul deținut în facțiune
  • Jobul curent


Here, you can learn about the state of your garage. Also, you may view statistics for your vehicles and observe a visual representation. For each of your vehicles, the website creates a new table that contains:

  • An image of the vehicle.
  • Vehicle's number.
  • Model
  • Price in DealerShip.
  • Money you get from selling your car in the DealerShip.
  • Method of obtaining the vehicle.
  • Vehicle's colour IDs (primary and secondary).
  • Kilometres driven (odometer).
  • Insurances bought for the vehicle (maximum 5).
  • Vehicle status (locked/unlocked).
  • * A button (Map) which redirect you to another page. There, you may consult a map of the entire game. On the map, a red marker indicated where that vehicle is parked (/park in-game to set a new location).

My Stats

Every player is provided on this page with two types of userbars. In fact, these are only two images with some text overlaid. To publish one or both userbars, all you need to do is copy the source code below them and paste it on the forum or even on your own websites. The userbars display:

  • Your name.
  • Name of the faction you are part of.
  • Faction rank.
  • Phone number.
  • Job.
  • Level.
  • Respect Points.
  • Total played hours.
  • Warnings received from administrators.
  • Status (Online/Offline)


Here, players can view their friends, as well as some details about them, as follows:

  • Player's name and status (Online/Offline).
  • Level.
  • Respect Points.
  • Total of played hours.
  • Name of the faction the player is part of.
  • Faction rank.
  • Job.
  • Warnings received from administrators.


On this page, you may find your own Referral ID and some information about it. Here, you'll also find a list of all the players you brought to the server using the Referral ID. Below are listed the revenues for their level advancement. Learn more about how to invite your friends to play with you on this page.

The table contains:

  • Referral's name and status (Online/Offline).
  • Registration date and time.
  • Last login date and time.
  • Total of played hours.
  • Level.
  • Respect points.
  • Amount of money gained from the referral advancing in level.
  • Total amount of money collected.
  • Amount respect points gained from the referral advancing in level.
  • Total amount of respect points collected.

Name Log/Mute Log/Jail Log/Warn Log/Ban Log

These five pages contain personal information about punishments received on the server (mute log, jail log, warn log and ban log), as well as details about how many times a player changed their in-game name (name log). The pages offer additional specifications.


It is one of the most important pages of your account, as players can maintain their safety by changing their e-mail address. On this page, you may view the current e-mail address associated with your account or press Change to replace that address.
If you want to change your e-mail address, but your current one is not confirmed, then you must use the in-game command /changeemail. To learn more about changing your e-mail, access the page E-Mail. If your current e-mail address is confirmed, the website shall allow you to replace it using the Change button.

Last Logins

To keep your account safe, the administrative team puts to your disposal a page where you can monitor when, from where and using what IPs someone accessed your account both on website and in-game. The table contains information about:

  • Date of the login.
  • IP used for authentication (on website or server).
  • Approximate location of the login.
  • Type of authentication (on website or server).

Note: You must take into consideration that the location listed in the table is generated based on the IP and can be imprecise sometimes.

Gold Transactions

Here you can view every addition or subtraction of Gold on your account. The page also tells you when the amount of gold was modified and the type of transaction (for example: gift, shop). The table here displays:

  • Date of transaction.
  • Type of transaction.
  • Amount of Gold involved in the transaction.

Shop Transactions

Gold is an important part of a player's statistics, therefore, you can view on this page what items were bought using in-game real currency, from /shop. To familiarise yourself with the table, you must know its structure:

  • Name of purchased item.
  • Price in Gold
  • Discount, if it was bought during a sales period.
  • Date of the transaction.