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(Pagină nouă: == /p(ickup) == It is used to answer a phone call. You can use either /p or /pickup.)
(Nu s-au afișat 139 de versiuni intermediare efectuate de alți 5 utilizatori)
Linia 11: Linia 11:
== /h(angup) ==
== /h(angup) ==
Efectul acesteia este de a închide o convorbire telefonică. Se pot utiliza ambele variante: /hsau /hangup.
It is used to terminate a phone call. You can use either /h or /hangup.
== /call ==
== /call ==
Se folosește petru a apela un jucător.
It is used to call a player's phone.
Pentru a utiliza această comandă aveți, nevoie de un număr de telefon pe care să-l apelați. ''Exemplu: /call 2247575''
To execute this command, you need a phone number to call.  
''Example: /call Madalin''
== /turn ==
== /turn ==
Această comandă vă închide, respectiv deschide telefonul, în funcție de parametrul specificat:
This command will open or shut down your phone, depending on the specified parameter:
*''/turn '''on''''' - va deschide telefonul.
* ''/turn '''on''''' - turns on the phone.
*''/turn '''off''''' - va închide telefonul.
* ''/turn '''off''''' - turns off the phone.
== /speaker ==
== /speaker ==
Atunci când vă aflați într-o convorbire telefonică, nimeni altcineva din jur nu poate să vadă convorbirea din partea interlocutorului, însă după utilizarea comenzii /speaker, mesajele vor deveni vizibile.
When you are in a phone call, no-one around you can can listen to your conversation. However, if you use /speaker, messages shall become visible.
== /sms ==
== /sms ==
Este o comandă folosită pentru a trimite mesaje text altor jucători pe server, către un număr de telefon specificat. ''Exemplu: /sms 2247575 B-Zone!''
The command is used to send text messages to a specified ID or name.
''Exemple: /sms Madalin B-Zone!''
== /number ==
= /renthelp =
Folosind această comandă, un jucător caută prin cartea de telefon pentru a găsi numărul de telefon al unui anumit jucător. ''Exemplu /number Adi007.''
This command displays the following set of commands:
Vă puteți cumpăra o carte de telefon de la orice [[Bizuri:24/7|magazin 24/7]].
== /enter ==
The /enter command is commonly used to enter buildings, in this case, houses. It is successfully executed (meaning you manage to enter the house) only if you are close enough to the door.
For a quicker access, you can use its equivalent, the ''F'' key.
== /exit ==
The /exit command is commonly used to exit buildings, in this case, houses. It is successfully executed (meaning you manage to exit the house) only if you are close enough to the door.
For a quicker access, you can use its equivalent, the ''F'' key.
== /tenants ==
It displays the amount of online tenants and their names. <br /> Only tenants and the owner have access to this command.
= /renthelp=
== /unrentroom ==
Această comandă afișează următorul set de comenzi:
Using this command will cancel the rental contract for that room.
== /enter ==
= /rentcarhelp =
Comanda /enter se foloseste de obicei pentru a intra în clădiri, în cazul acesta, în case. Comanda este executată cu succes (veţi reuşi să intraţi in casă) numai dacă vă aflaţi destul de aproape de uşa clădirii respective.
This command displays the following set of commands:
Pentru o executie mai rapidă, puteţi să folosiţi echivalentul aceste comenzi, şi anume tasta "F" de pe tastatura voastră.
== /exit ==
== /unrentvehicle ==
Comanda /exit se foloseste de obicei pentru a ieşi dintr-o clădire, în cazul acesta, dintr-o casă. Comanda este executată cu succes (veţi reuşi să ieşiţi din casă) numai dacă vă aflaţi destul de aproape de uşa pe care se iese. Pentru o executie mai rapidă, puteţi să folosiţi echivalentul aceste comenzi, şi anume tasta "F" de pe tastatura voastră.
This command is used to give up a rented vehicle and its keys. After executing the command, you can no longer use the rented vehicle.
== /tenants ==
== /locaterentedcar ==
Comanda va afişa atât numărul cât şi numele tuturor chiriaşilor online (de pe server) în momentul tastării comenzii.<br> Doar chiriaşii şi proprietarul casei au acces la utilizarea acestei comenzi.
If you had rented a vehicle and then lost it, the /locaterentedcar command may help you. When using this command, the server places a red marker on your map indicating the location of your vehicle.
== /vehicles ==
Folosind această comandă, contractul de chirie pentru actuala locuință va fi reziliat.
This command shows you all the vehicles you own, including rented ones, so you can interact with them.
== /givekey ==
This command offer your vehicle keys to other player to can lock or unlock.
== /changelock ==
This command allows the owner of the vehicle to change the vehicle lock so that it cannot be used by the players to whom he gave the keys.
== /park
This command gives the vehicle owner the possibility to park the vehicle in the place he wants.
*To be able to park this vehicle must not be hit or damaged<br /><br />
= /eventhelp =
Această comandă afișează următorul set de comenzi:
This command display the commands you can use at an event, and if you are the organizer, depends on what type of event you make, you will get the commands you can use at the event. This command displays the following set of commands when you are not an event organizer or event helper: <br />
== /unrentvehicle ==
== /event ==
Această comandă se utilizează pentru a renunța la vehiculul închiriat și la cheile acestuia. După utilizarea acestei comenzi, nu veți mai dispune de un vehicul închiriat.
If there is an on-going event, you will be shown the following:
* Title of the on-going event.
* Prize of the event.
* Location of the event.
* Details about its duration.
* Organiser's name.
* A short description of it.
== /locaterentedcar ==
== /requestevent ==
În cazul în care dețineți un vehicul închiriat și ați uitat unde l-ați lăsat, atunci comanda /locaterentedcar vă este de folos. Utilizând această comandă, serverul vă va fixa pe hartă un punct roșu reprezentând destinația vehiculului închiriat.
This command is a request form that level 2 helpers and B-Zone RPG server administrators can read, whether or not they will accept your request to host an event. For more information about this command, watch [[Alte sisteme:Events/en|this]] page.
== /join ==
Join an ongoing event if it benefits from this option.<br />
== /leaveevent ==
If you are a participant in an ongoing event, using this command you will leave the event.
= /leaderhelp =
This command displays the following set of commands:
== /members ==Using this command, you open an interactive menu with the list of factions members and two options. In front of each member, you can see their name, last time logged in, rank and FWarns.<br />
Această comandă afișează următorul set de comenzi:
Regarding the 2 options, the first option is '''Faction Apps'''', and using this option you can open the faction apps directly from the game. <br />
The second option is '''Faction Tests'''' and using this option you can edit one of the 2 faction test logs.
== /e ==
== /factiontest ==
Comanda funcţionează numai dacă sunteţi organizatorul unui eveniment. Este folosită pentru a transmite un mesaj către toţo jucătorii serverului, fiind organizator al evenimentului.<br>
Using this command any rank 4+ from the faction with Tester function can start a test with a faction candidate.
''Exemplu: "/e mesaj"''
== /togevent ==
== /tog ==
Comanda blochează mesajele pe care organizatorii evenimentelor le trimit prin comanda /e, ceea ce înseamnă că nu le veţi mai vedea.
Using this command, you can find the option "Members can use faction chat", disabling it no faction member will be able to use the /f command, only the leader and admins 4+.
== /event ==
== /fvr ==
în cazul în care există un eveniment în desfășurare în momentul tastării comenzii veți primi următoarele informații:
Using this command, all unoccupied vehicles of the faction will be respawned. Command is accessible from rank 5.
* Titlul evenimentului aflat în desfășurare.
* Premiul evenimentului.
* Locația desfășurării acestuia.
* Câteva detalii legate de durata acestuia.
* Numele organizatorului.
* O scurtă descriere a evenimentului.
== /lc ==
Tastarea și executarea acestei comenzi are ca efect finalizarea evenimentului aflat în desfășurare.
This command is used by faction leaders to talk to the chat for leaders.
== /requestevent ==
== /fwithdraw ==
Această comandă reprezintă un formular de cerere pe care administratorii serverelor B-Zone RPG îl pot citi, urmând să vă accepte sau nu cererea de organizare a unui eveniment.
By typing the /fwithdraw command without specifying any parameter, you will get information about the amount of money held at that time by the faction safe. To get money from the faction safe. the sum of money is used as a parameter. ''Example: /fwithdraw 15000.''
'''Exemplu de utilizare: /requestevent Titlu|Locatie|Premiu|Timp|Descriere'''
== /fmotd ==
By typing the /fmotd command without specifying any parameters, the server will send you a default message from the leader or subleader, if it exists. To change the default message (day message), the desired message is used as a parameter. Example: /fmotd Everyone at HQ!<br />
== /fget & put ==
The command is used to place or take drugs or materials from the HQ. Example: /fgetdrugs 100 and /fgetmaterials 100000 <br />
== /setgc ==
Using this command a mafia leader can set the minimum rank you need to send a message on /gc, chat during the alliance war.<br />
== /vehrank ==
Această comandă afișează următorul set de comenzi:
The command sets a minimum rank to use the vehicle of that faction. Note: You need a minimum rank 6 to use this command.<br />
== /invite ==
= /clanhelp =
Liderii facțiunilor folosesc această comandă pentru a invita un jucător în facțiunea sa.
This command displays the following set of commands:
== /uninvite ==
== /claninvite ==
Pentru a scoate din facțiune un jucător, orice lider poate să folosească această comandă. De asemenea, tot folosindu-se de comanda /uninvite, în momentul scoaterii unui jucător din propria facțiune, un lider are de ales între a-l scoate cu sancțiune sau nu pe jucător (FP).
The order / claninvite is used for clan countries and members who called 6+ for an invitation to someone in their own clan.
''Notă: Dacă se alege varianta '''cu sancțiune''', jucătorul va primi 60/60 FP.''
''Note: Members with rank 6+ can only order players who care or the application accepted.''
== /c ==  
Orice membru al unei facțiuni merită o avansare la un moment dat. Astfel, orice lider are dreptul la folosirea comenzii /giverank pentru a-l promova, sau retrograda pe unul dintre membrii facțiunii sale.
The command sends a message to the [[Shop: Clans | clan]] chat you belong to (only if you are part of one).<br />
''Example: "/c message"''
== /clanmembers ==  
Atunci când un membru al unei facțiuni nu respectă regulamentul, acesta primește avertismente din partea liderului folosind comanda /fwarn.
The command opens a dialog with all the members of the clan of which you belong (only if you belong to one).<br />
== /clanresign ==  
Este comanda cu efect invers comenzii /fwarn și are ca efect ștergerea unui avertisment în facțiune (FW), al unui jucător.
With this command you can leave the clan you are in.<br />
== /fvr ==
== /setclanowner ==  
Prin executarea comenzii, toate vehiculele neocupate ale facțiunii vor fi respawnate. Comanda este accesibilă de la rang 5.
With this command, clan leaders can set another clan leader.<br />
== /lc ==
== /spray ==  
Această comandă este utilizată de liderii facțiunilor pentru a vorbi pe chatul destinat liderilor.
The command is used next to a turf clan to draw it on behalf of your clan.<br />
== /togfchat ==
== /clanxp ==  
Folosind comanda /togfchat, chatul facțiunii este dezactivat și singurii care pot să vorbească în continuare pe acesta sunt membrii cu rang 6 și liderul.
The command displays a textdraw with the XP the clan has in total and how much XP it has until it advances to the next level.<br />
== /toglc ==
== /clanzones ==
Această comandă blochează mesajele provenite din urma comenzii /lc, ceea ce înseamnă că nu veți mai vedea mesajele scrise de ceilalți lideri pe chatul destinat liderilor.
Comanda deschide un dialog cu toate turfurile de clan.<br>
== /fwithdraw ==
== /clanturfs ==  
Tastând comanda /fwithdraw fără a specifica vreun parametru, veți obține informații despre suma de bani deținută în acel moment de seiful facțiunii. Pentru a sustrage bani din seiful facțiunii. se folosește drept parametru suma de bani. ''Exemplu: /fwithdraw 15000''.
The command displays all clan turfs.<br />
== /fmotd ==
== /clancolor ==  
Tastând comanda /fmotd fără a specifica vreun parametru, serverul vă va trimete un mesaj prestabilit de către lider în cazul în care acesta există. Pentru a schimba mesajul prestabilit (mesajul zilei), se folosește drept parametru, mesajul dorit. ''Exemplu: /fmotd Toată lumea la HQ!''.
This command can only be used by clan leaders to set the color of the clan.<br />
== /clangoldwithdraw ==
With this command, clan leaders can extract Gold from the clan's safe.<br />
== /cmotd ==
The command is used by clan leaders to set a clan motto.<br />
== /clanrename ==
With this command, clan leaders can change ranks.<br />
= /clanhelp =
== /clanduty ==  
Această comandă afișează următorul set de comenzi:
This order will put you on duty to the clan.<br />
== /claninvite ==
== /clanleaders ==  
Comanda /claninvite este folosită de către deținătorii de clanuri pentru a invita pe cineva în propriul clan.
The command displays all clan leaders that are on the server at that time.<br />
== /ctalkpower ==
This command prohibits the use of the ''/c'' command for a particular rank. (minimum rank 5+)<br />
== /topclan ==
The command displays the top of the peat-holding clans.<br />
== /clanwithdraw ==
With this order, any member with rank 6+ can take money from the clan safe.<br />
== /clandeposit ==
With this order you can deposit money in the clan safe.<br />
== /clanput & /clanget ==
With this order you can place or retrieve materials or drugs.<br />
''Example: /clanputmaterials 1000000''
== /cwithdrawpower ==
The command is only available to clan leaders, they can set a rank that can use the command ''/clanwithdraw'' and ''/clanget (drugs / materials)''.<br />
== /claimhq ==
The order is only available to clan leaders, with this order they can take over an available Clan HQ.<br />
== /leavehq ==
With this command, clan leaders can abandon a Clan HQ.<br />
== /interiorhq ==
The command is used by clan leaders to set up an interior of the Clan HQ.<br />
== /claninfo ==
Displays certain clan information. ''(for leaders only)''<br />
== /cvs & /cvr ==
With ''/cvs'' members of a clan can spawn their clan vehicles, using the ''/cvr'' command, a rank 5+ member can respawn all clan vehicles.<br />
== /buyclanvehicle ==
The order is used by clan leaders to buy vehicles from the clan.
== /clanuninvite ==
== /clanwar ==  
Pentru a scoate din clan un anumit jucător, orice proprietar al unui clan poate să folosească această comandă.
The command is used by members with rank 5+ or members who have been given access to it to add / remove players from clan war.
== /clangiverank ==
== /guns ==  
Este folosită pentru a promova, sau retrograda în rang un membru al propriului clan.
With this command you can choose your weapon set during clan wars.
== /c ==
== /leavewar ==  
Comanda transmite un mesaj pe chatul [[Shop:Clans|clanului]] din care faceţi parte (doar în cazul în care faceţi parte din unul).<br>
With this command you can get out of the war of your clan.<br /
''Exemplu: "/c mesaj"''

Versiunea curentă din 9 februarie 2023 15:23

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română

Here, you will find all the commands that, once typed in-game, display a new set of commands.


This command displays the following set of commands:


It is used to answer a phone call. You can use either /p or /pickup.


It is used to terminate a phone call. You can use either /h or /hangup.


It is used to call a player's phone. To execute this command, you need a phone number to call. Example: /call Madalin


This command will open or shut down your phone, depending on the specified parameter:

  • /turn on - turns on the phone.
  • /turn off - turns off the phone.


When you are in a phone call, no-one around you can can listen to your conversation. However, if you use /speaker, messages shall become visible.


The command is used to send text messages to a specified ID or name. Exemple: /sms Madalin B-Zone!


This command displays the following set of commands:


The /enter command is commonly used to enter buildings, in this case, houses. It is successfully executed (meaning you manage to enter the house) only if you are close enough to the door. For a quicker access, you can use its equivalent, the F key.


The /exit command is commonly used to exit buildings, in this case, houses. It is successfully executed (meaning you manage to exit the house) only if you are close enough to the door. For a quicker access, you can use its equivalent, the F key.


It displays the amount of online tenants and their names.
Only tenants and the owner have access to this command.


Using this command will cancel the rental contract for that room.


This command displays the following set of commands:


This command is used to give up a rented vehicle and its keys. After executing the command, you can no longer use the rented vehicle.


If you had rented a vehicle and then lost it, the /locaterentedcar command may help you. When using this command, the server places a red marker on your map indicating the location of your vehicle.


This command shows you all the vehicles you own, including rented ones, so you can interact with them.


This command offer your vehicle keys to other player to can lock or unlock.


This command allows the owner of the vehicle to change the vehicle lock so that it cannot be used by the players to whom he gave the keys.

== /park This command gives the vehicle owner the possibility to park the vehicle in the place he wants.

  • To be able to park this vehicle must not be hit or damaged


This command display the commands you can use at an event, and if you are the organizer, depends on what type of event you make, you will get the commands you can use at the event. This command displays the following set of commands when you are not an event organizer or event helper:


If there is an on-going event, you will be shown the following:

  • Title of the on-going event.
  • Prize of the event.
  • Location of the event.
  • Details about its duration.
  • Organiser's name.
  • A short description of it.


This command is a request form that level 2 helpers and B-Zone RPG server administrators can read, whether or not they will accept your request to host an event. For more information about this command, watch this page.


Join an ongoing event if it benefits from this option.


If you are a participant in an ongoing event, using this command you will leave the event.


This command displays the following set of commands:

== /members ==Using this command, you open an interactive menu with the list of factions members and two options. In front of each member, you can see their name, last time logged in, rank and FWarns.
Regarding the 2 options, the first option is Faction Apps', and using this option you can open the faction apps directly from the game.
The second option is Faction Tests' and using this option you can edit one of the 2 faction test logs.


Using this command any rank 4+ from the faction with Tester function can start a test with a faction candidate.


Using this command, you can find the option "Members can use faction chat", disabling it no faction member will be able to use the /f command, only the leader and admins 4+.


Using this command, all unoccupied vehicles of the faction will be respawned. Command is accessible from rank 5.


This command is used by faction leaders to talk to the chat for leaders.


By typing the /fwithdraw command without specifying any parameter, you will get information about the amount of money held at that time by the faction safe. To get money from the faction safe. the sum of money is used as a parameter. Example: /fwithdraw 15000.


By typing the /fmotd command without specifying any parameters, the server will send you a default message from the leader or subleader, if it exists. To change the default message (day message), the desired message is used as a parameter. Example: /fmotd Everyone at HQ!

/fget & put

The command is used to place or take drugs or materials from the HQ. Example: /fgetdrugs 100 and /fgetmaterials 100000


Using this command a mafia leader can set the minimum rank you need to send a message on /gc, chat during the alliance war.


The command sets a minimum rank to use the vehicle of that faction. Note: You need a minimum rank 6 to use this command.


This command displays the following set of commands:


The order / claninvite is used for clan countries and members who called 6+ for an invitation to someone in their own clan. Note: Members with rank 6+ can only order players who care or the application accepted.


The command sends a message to the clan chat you belong to (only if you are part of one).
Example: "/c message"


The command opens a dialog with all the members of the clan of which you belong (only if you belong to one).


With this command you can leave the clan you are in.


With this command, clan leaders can set another clan leader.


The command is used next to a turf clan to draw it on behalf of your clan.


The command displays a textdraw with the XP the clan has in total and how much XP it has until it advances to the next level.


Comanda deschide un dialog cu toate turfurile de clan.


The command displays all clan turfs.


This command can only be used by clan leaders to set the color of the clan.


With this command, clan leaders can extract Gold from the clan's safe.


The command is used by clan leaders to set a clan motto.


With this command, clan leaders can change ranks.


This order will put you on duty to the clan.


The command displays all clan leaders that are on the server at that time.


This command prohibits the use of the /c command for a particular rank. (minimum rank 5+)

Clan top.png


The command displays the top of the peat-holding clans.


With this order, any member with rank 6+ can take money from the clan safe.


With this order you can deposit money in the clan safe.

/clanput & /clanget

With this order you can place or retrieve materials or drugs.
Example: /clanputmaterials 1000000


The command is only available to clan leaders, they can set a rank that can use the command /clanwithdraw and /clanget (drugs / materials).


The order is only available to clan leaders, with this order they can take over an available Clan HQ.


With this command, clan leaders can abandon a Clan HQ.


The command is used by clan leaders to set up an interior of the Clan HQ.


Displays certain clan information. (for leaders only)

/cvs & /cvr

With /cvs members of a clan can spawn their clan vehicles, using the /cvr command, a rank 5+ member can respawn all clan vehicles.


The order is used by clan leaders to buy vehicles from the clan.


The command is used by members with rank 5+ or members who have been given access to it to add / remove players from clan war.


With this command you can choose your weapon set during clan wars.


With this command you can get out of the war of your clan.<br /