Translations:Alte sisteme:Jail/2/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: = General Characteristics = * There are two types of jail punishments: # Jail time given out by policemen due to wanted. # Jail time given out by server admins due to flagrant viol...)
(Nu s-au afișat 2 versiuni intermediare efectuate de alți 2 utilizatori)
Linia 7: Linia 7:
* A prisoner may ask a guard to escort him to the bar.
* A prisoner may ask a guard to escort him to the bar.
* In the yard, prisoners may attempt to escape. Further details are available on our page dedicated to the [[Alte_sisteme:Escape|Escaping System]].
* In the yard, prisoners may attempt to escape. Further details are available on our page dedicated to the [[Alte_sisteme:Escape|Escaping System]].
* The time a player has to spend in prison is also saved after leaving the server.
* If detainees are violent towards fellow cell-mates, they may get punished by guards (/punish, rendering you motionless for a certain amount of seconds).
* If detainees are violent towards fellow cell-mates, they may get punished by guards (/punish, rendering you motionless for a certain amount of seconds).
* If a prisoner has been jailed by an admin (AJail), they cannot (/)bail out or use a lawyer.
* If a prisoner has been jailed by an admin (AJail), they cannot (/)bail out or use a lawyer.
* All of the cells open up every half an hour and are closed 10 minutes later. Meanwhile, players can go outside the jail, in the yard. The cells are opened only between 12:00 and 00:00.
* All of the cells open up every half an hour and are closed 10 minutes later. Meanwhile, players can go outside the jail, in the yard. The cells are opened only between 08:00 and 02:00.
* After the cells have been closed, National Guard members can send back to their cells all prisoners who are still outside.
* After the cells have been closed, National Guard members can send back to their cells all prisoners who are still outside.
* Detainees have their jail time increased by 2 minutes each time they kill another prisoner.

Versiunea curentă din 14 iulie 2024 14:51

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Definiția mesajului (Alte sisteme:Jail)
= Caracteristici generale =
*Există două tipuri de pedepse cu închisoarea:
# Pedeapsa cu închisoarea oferită de polițiștii serverelor datorită încălcării regulamentului și acumulării de wanted (grad de urmărire).
# Pedeapsa cu închisoarea oferită de administratorii serverelor, datorită încălcării succesive a anumitor reguli.
*Deținuții sunt în mare parte supravegheați de către reprezentanții închisorii (membrii facțiunii National Guard).
*Un deținut nu poate să părăsească închisoarea.
*Un deținut are dreptul să ceară unui gardian să-l elibereze din celulă pentru a putea ajunge la bar.
*În curtea închisorii, deținuții pot să încerce să evadeze. Mai multe informații găsiți pe pagina [[Alte_sisteme:Escape|Escape]].
*Timpul pe care un jucător trebuie să-l petreacă în închisoare se salvează și după părăsirea serverului.
*Dacă deținuții sunt violenți cu ceilalți colegi de celulă, aceștia primesc pedepse din partea gardienilor (/punish, imposibilitatea de a se misca pentru un anumit număr de secunde).
*Dacă un deținut a fost închis de către un administrator (AJail), acesta nu poate fi eliberat pe cauțiune (/bail) și nici de către un avocat.
*Toate celulele închisorii se vor deschide la fiecare oră fixă și se vor închide 10 minute mai târziu, respectiv la fiecare jumătate de oră și se vor închide 10 minute mai târziu. În tot acest timp deținuții au dreptul să iasă în curtea închisorii. Celulele se deschid doar în intervalul 12:00 - 00:00.
*După închiderea celulelor, membrii national guard au dreptul de a trimite înapoi în celule pe deținuții aflați încă în exteriorul acestora.
*Jucătorii din închisoare vor primi 2 minute în plus la pedeapsa curentă de fiecare dată când omoară un alt prizonier.
Traducerea= General Characteristics =
* There are two types of jail punishments:
# Jail time given out by policemen due to wanted.
# Jail time given out by server admins due to flagrant violations of the rules.
* Detainees are usually supervised by members of National Guard. 
* A prisoner may not leave the jail.
* A prisoner may ask a guard to escort him to the bar.
* In the yard, prisoners may attempt to escape. Further details are available on our page dedicated to the [[Alte_sisteme:Escape|Escaping System]].
* The time a player has to spend in prison is also saved after leaving the server.
* If detainees are violent towards fellow cell-mates, they may get punished by guards (/punish, rendering you motionless for a certain amount of seconds).
* If a prisoner has been jailed by an admin (AJail), they cannot (/)bail out or use a lawyer.
* All of the cells open up every half an hour and are closed 10 minutes later. Meanwhile, players can go outside the jail, in the yard. The cells are opened only between 08:00 and 02:00.
* After the cells have been closed, National Guard members can send back to their cells all prisoners who are still outside.
* Detainees have their jail time increased by 2 minutes each time they kill another prisoner.

General Characteristics

  • There are two types of jail punishments:
  1. Jail time given out by policemen due to wanted.
  2. Jail time given out by server admins due to flagrant violations of the rules.
  • Detainees are usually supervised by members of National Guard.
  • A prisoner may not leave the jail.
  • A prisoner may ask a guard to escort him to the bar.
  • In the yard, prisoners may attempt to escape. Further details are available on our page dedicated to the Escaping System.
  • The time a player has to spend in prison is also saved after leaving the server.
  • If detainees are violent towards fellow cell-mates, they may get punished by guards (/punish, rendering you motionless for a certain amount of seconds).
  • If a prisoner has been jailed by an admin (AJail), they cannot (/)bail out or use a lawyer.
  • All of the cells open up every half an hour and are closed 10 minutes later. Meanwhile, players can go outside the jail, in the yard. The cells are opened only between 08:00 and 02:00.
  • After the cells have been closed, National Guard members can send back to their cells all prisoners who are still outside.
  • Detainees have their jail time increased by 2 minutes each time they kill another prisoner.