Translations:Factiuni:Paramedics/9/en: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
<code>[[Factiuni:SF_Taxi|&bull; SF Taxi]]</code><br />
= Cadaver System =
<code>[[Factiuni:LS_Taxi|&bull; LS Taxi]]</code><br />
<code>[[Factiuni:LV_Taxi|&bull; LV Taxi]]</code><br />
* When a player on the server is killed by a civilian or a member of any faction other than the Paramedics, they will leave behind a corpse at the location where they were killed.
<code>[[Factiuni:Tow_Truck_Company|&bull; Tow Truck Company]]</code><br />
* There can be a maximum of 20 corpses at a time. If a player is killed, but there are already 20 corpses on the map, that player will not leave a corpse behind.
<code>[[Factiuni:News_Reporters|&bull; News Reporters]]</code><br />
* These corpses can be picked up by a medic within a maximum of 15 minutes before being dispatched.
<code>[[Factiuni:Mayor|&bull; Mayor]]</code>
* The corpse will only spawn if all these conditions are met:
** at least 1 medic is on duty
** the killed player is in Virtual World 0 and inside 0
** the limit of existing corpses has not been reached (20 corpses spawned)
** the player has not left a corpse behind for at least 10 minutes
** both the killed player and the player who killed him are not Paramedics
* When a player who meets all of the above conditions dies, Paramedics for receive an information message about this. The message will contain the name of the killed player, his ID, the location of his corpse and the command to use to go to the corpse.
src="" style="width: 350px;background: rgb(247, 247, 247);border-radius: 10px;border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"><br />
* To pick up a corpse, medics must use the /corpse command followed by the appropriate corpse ID. Corpse IDs can vary from 0 to 19.
* To see all corpses on the map use the /corpses command.

Versiunea curentă din 20 aprilie 2023 19:46

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Definiția mesajului (Factiuni:Paramedics)
= Sistemul de Cadavre =
<img src="" style="margin-left: 22px; width: 500px; height: 200px; border-radius: 5px; border; 1px solid #BDBDBD;"><br />
* Când un jucător de pe server este omorât de către un civil sau un membru al oricărei alte facțiuni, în afară de Paramedics, acesta va lăsa în urmă un cadavru la locația în care a fost omorât.
* Pot exista maxim 20 de cadavre simultan. Dacă un jucător este omorât, dar pe hartă sunt deja 20 de cadavre existente, acel jucător nu va lăsa un cadavru în urmă.
* Aceste cadavre pot fi ridicate de către un medic într-un interval de maxim 15 minute înainte de a se descompune.
* Cadavrul se va spawna doar dacă toate aceste condiții sunt îndeplinite:
** cel puțin 1 medic este la datorie
** jucătorul omorât se află în Virtual World 0 și Interior 0
** limita de cadavre existente nu a fost atinsă (20 de cadavre spawnate)
** jucătorul nu a lăsat un cadavru în urmă de cel puțin 10 minute
** atât jucătorul omorât cât și cel care l-a omorât nu fac parte din Paramedics
* Când un jucător care îndeplinește toate condițiile de mai sus moare, membrii Paramedics vor primi un mesaj informativ legat de acest lucru. Mesajul va conține numele jucătorului omorât, ID-ul acestuia, locația cadavrului și comanda pe care trebuie să o folosească pentru a se îndrepta spre cadavrul respectiv.
<img src="" style="margin-left: 22px; width: 500px; height=30px; background: rgb(247, 247, 247); border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"><br />
* Pentru a ridica un cadavru, medicii trebuie să folosească comanda [/corpse] urmată de ID-ul cadavrului corespunzător. ID-ul cadavrelor poate varia de la 0 la 19.
* Pentru a vedea toate cadavrele de pe hartă se folosește comanda [/corpses].
Traducerea= Cadaver System =

* When a player on the server is killed by a civilian or a member of any faction other than the Paramedics, they will leave behind a corpse at the location where they were killed. 
* There can be a maximum of 20 corpses at a time. If a player is killed, but there are already 20 corpses on the map, that player will not leave a corpse behind.
* These corpses can be picked up by a medic within a maximum of 15 minutes before being dispatched.
* The corpse will only spawn if all these conditions are met:
** at least 1 medic is on duty
** the killed player is in Virtual World 0 and inside 0
** the limit of existing corpses has not been reached (20 corpses spawned)
** the player has not left a corpse behind for at least 10 minutes
** both the killed player and the player who killed him are not Paramedics
* When a player who meets all of the above conditions dies, Paramedics for receive an information message about this. The message will contain the name of the killed player, his ID, the location of his corpse and the command to use to go to the corpse.
src="" style="width: 350px;background: rgb(247, 247, 247);border-radius: 10px;border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"><br />
* To pick up a corpse, medics must use the /corpse command followed by the appropriate corpse ID. Corpse IDs can vary from 0 to 19.
* To see all corpses on the map use the /corpses command.

Cadaver System

  • When a player on the server is killed by a civilian or a member of any faction other than the Paramedics, they will leave behind a corpse at the location where they were killed.
  • There can be a maximum of 20 corpses at a time. If a player is killed, but there are already 20 corpses on the map, that player will not leave a corpse behind.
  • These corpses can be picked up by a medic within a maximum of 15 minutes before being dispatched.
  • The corpse will only spawn if all these conditions are met:
    • at least 1 medic is on duty
    • the killed player is in Virtual World 0 and inside 0
    • the limit of existing corpses has not been reached (20 corpses spawned)
    • the player has not left a corpse behind for at least 10 minutes
    • both the killed player and the player who killed him are not Paramedics
  • When a player who meets all of the above conditions dies, Paramedics for receive an information message about this. The message will contain the name of the killed player, his ID, the location of his corpse and the command to use to go to the corpse.

  • To pick up a corpse, medics must use the /corpse command followed by the appropriate corpse ID. Corpse IDs can vary from 0 to 19.
  • To see all corpses on the map use the /corpses command.