Translations:Comenzi uzuale:General/29/en: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 2: Linia 2:
<img src="" width="600px"><br />''NPC to buying weapon license''<br /><br />
<img src="" width="600px"><br />''NPC to buying weapon license''<br /><br />
''Syntax: /buyweaplic''<br />
''Syntax: /buyweaplic''<br />
*With this command you can buy the '''weapon license''' directly from an NPC without the need for an instructor to give it to you.
*With this command you can buy the '''weapon license''' directly from an NPC without the need for an instructor to give it to you if you have level 5+.
**There is one such NPC at the HQ of each School Instructors type faction as well as an info point about the price.
**There is one such NPC at the HQ of each School Instructors type faction as well as an info point about the price.
**Instructors will '''not be able''' to purchase or renew your license from these NPC's.
**Players with wanted will '''only have''' the opportunity to renew their license.
**To be able to get your license from these NPC's you must first request an instructor to first see if there is someone on duty to give you the license. The request will be automatically canceled after 5 minutes of waiting, after which you can get your license yourself.
*The license purchase price varies by tier as follows:
*The license purchase price varies by tier as follows:
**For players with a level '''between 1 and 9''', the license purchase price is '''$5,000'''.
**For players with a level '''between 5 and 9''', the license purchase price is '''$5,000'''.
**For players with a level '''between 10 and 49''', the license purchase price is '''$10,000'''.
**For players with a level '''between 10 and 49''', the license purchase price is '''$10,000'''.
**For players with level '''50 or higher''' the purchase price is '''$20,000'''.
**For players with level '''50 or higher''' the purchase price is '''$20,000'''.
'''Notes:'''<br />
'''Note:''' The money paid for the license will go to the server, so no one gets their hands on it.<br /><br />
The money paid for the license will go to the server, so no one gets their hands on it.<br />
<span style="color:rgb(205, 47, 47);">This command can only be used after attempting to request an instructor via the </span>
<span style="color:rgb(205, 47, 47); font-weight:bold;">[/needlicense] </span>
<span style="color:rgb(205, 47, 47);">command, provided no instructor is online at that time.</span> <br /><br />

Versiunea curentă din 31 martie 2023 19:21

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Definiția mesajului (Comenzi uzuale:General)
= /buyweaplic =
<img src="" width="600px"><br />''NPC achiziționare licență arme''<br /><br />
''Sintaxă: /buyweaplic''<br />
*Prin această comandă aveți posibilitatea să cumpărați '''licența de arme''' direct de la un NPC fără a mai fi nevoie să vă o ofere un înstructor.
**Există câte un asemenea NPC la HQ-ul fiecărei facțiuni de tip School Instructors cât și un punct info despre preț.
*Prețul de achiziționare a licenței variază în funcție de nivel după cum urmează:
**Pentru jucătorii cu nivel cuprins '''între 1 și 9''' prețul de achiziție a licenței este de '''$5.000'''.
**Pentru jucătorii cu nivel cuprins '''între 10 și 49''' prețul de achiziție a licenței este de '''$10.000'''.
**Pentru jucătorii cu nivel '''50 sau mai mare''' prețul de achiziție este de '''$20.000'''.
'''Note:'''<br />
Banii plătiți pe licență se vor duce către server, așadar nimeni nu intră în posesia lor.<br />
<span style="color:rgb(205, 47, 47);">Această comandă poate fi folosită numai după încercarea de solicitare a unui instructor prin comanda</span> 
<span style="color:rgb(205, 47, 47); font-weight:bold;">[/needlicense] </span>
<span style="color:rgb(205, 47, 47);">cu condiția să nu fie niciun instructor online la acel moment.</span> <br /><br />
Traducerea= /buyweaplic =
<img src="" width="600px"><br />''NPC to buying weapon license''<br /><br />
''Syntax: /buyweaplic''<br />
*With this command you can buy the '''weapon license''' directly from an NPC without the need for an instructor to give it to you if you have level 5+.
**There is one such NPC at the HQ of each School Instructors type faction as well as an info point about the price.
**Instructors will '''not be able''' to purchase or renew your license from these NPC's.
**Players with wanted will '''only have''' the opportunity to renew their license.
**To be able to get your license from these NPC's you must first request an instructor to first see if there is someone on duty to give you the license. The request will be automatically canceled after 5 minutes of waiting, after which you can get your license yourself.
*The license purchase price varies by tier as follows:
**For players with a level '''between 5 and 9''', the license purchase price is '''$5,000'''.
**For players with a level '''between 10 and 49''', the license purchase price is '''$10,000'''.
**For players with level '''50 or higher''' the purchase price is '''$20,000'''.
'''Note:''' The money paid for the license will go to the server, so no one gets their hands on it.<br /><br />


NPC to buying weapon license

Syntax: /buyweaplic

  • With this command you can buy the weapon license directly from an NPC without the need for an instructor to give it to you if you have level 5+.
    • There is one such NPC at the HQ of each School Instructors type faction as well as an info point about the price.
    • Instructors will not be able to purchase or renew your license from these NPC's.
    • Players with wanted will only have the opportunity to renew their license.
    • To be able to get your license from these NPC's you must first request an instructor to first see if there is someone on duty to give you the license. The request will be automatically canceled after 5 minutes of waiting, after which you can get your license yourself.
  • The license purchase price varies by tier as follows:
    • For players with a level between 5 and 9, the license purchase price is $5,000.
    • For players with a level between 10 and 49, the license purchase price is $10,000.
    • For players with level 50 or higher the purchase price is $20,000.

Note: The money paid for the license will go to the server, so no one gets their hands on it.