Comenzi uzuale:General/en: Diferență între versiuni

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In this section, you may find general commands of B-Zone's RPG servers.
In this section, you may find general commands of '''B-Zone's RPG''' server.
= /id =
= /id =
<img src="" width="400px"><br/><br />
<img src="" width="400px" style="padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px"><br />
''Sintaxă: /id [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
<img src="" width="400px" height="50px" style="padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px"><br />
*Comanda afișează informații despre jucătorul respectiv, mai precis: ID-ul, numele, ping-ul, fps-urile, nivelul, dacă jucatorul este AFK sau SLEEP și facțiunea din care face parte.<br /><br />
<img src="" width="400px" height="50px" style="padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px"><br /><br />
''Syntax: /id [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
*The command displays information about the player:  
**Player ID.
**Player name.
**Ping between player and server.
**Player FPS in real time.
**Current player level.
**Player status ('''AFK'''|'''SLEEP'''|'''AFK & SLEEP''').
**Player faction name.
**Player type of skin he has owns it (If he wear an [[Alte_sisteme:Skin_Upgrades|Diamond or Onyx]]) skin.
**Player skin ID.<br /><br />
= /pay =
= /pay =
Linia 39: Linia 50:
= /requestlicenses =
= /requestlicenses =
''Syntax: /requestlicenses [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
''Syntax: /requestlicenses [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
It sends to that player a request to see their licenses. If they accept, you will have displayed on your screen a text box similar to the one on /licenses.
*It sends to that player a request to see their licenses. If they accept, you will have displayed on your screen a text box similar to the one on /licenses.<br /><br />
= /skills =
= /skills =
<img src="" width="200px"><br/><br />
''Syntax: /skills '' <br />
''Sintaxă: /skills '' <br />
This shows your skills and how many points you are required for advancement.
*Afișează skillurile pe care le aveți la joburi și de câte alte puncte mai aveți nevoie pentru a avansa.<br /><br />
= /sleep =
= /sleep =
''Syntax: /sleep '' <br />
''Syntax: /sleep '' <br />
Activate and deactivate the [[Comenzi_uzuale:Case#.2Fsleep|AFK mode]].
Activate and deactivate the [[Comenzi_uzuale:Case#.2Fsleep|AFK mode]].<br /><br />
= /lotto =
= /lotto =
''Syntax: /lotto'' <br />
''Syntax: /lotto'' <br />
*You can buy using this command a lotto ticket from any 24/7 from the server.
*You place tickets with different numbers for [[Alte_sisteme:Lotto|lotto]] system.<br /><br />
*You can buy multiple tickets, each ticket costing $2000.
*The winning numbers will be picked each '''Wednesday''' and '''Sunday''' at 19:00.
*The winning ticket is considered a ticket that has at least 3 numbers of those extracted:
**Tickets with 6 winning numbers: Such a ticket will make the whole Pot to be offered to the winner.
**Tickets with 5 winning numbers: Such a ticket will make half of the Pot to be offered to the winner.
**Tickets with 4 winning numbers: Such a ticket will make 25% of the Pot to be offered to the winner.
**Tickets with 3 winning numbers: Such a ticket will make 10% of the Pot to be offered to the winner.
*If there are several winning tickets, the percentage of Pot allocated to those tickets is divided equally between the winners.
''Syntax: /cigarettes '' <br />
''Syntax: /cigarettes '' <br />
It displays the amount of cigarettes you possess and whether or not you have a lighter.
It displays the amount of cigarettes you possess and whether or not you have a lighter.<br /><br />
= /spawnchange =
= /spawnchange =
<img src="" width="300px"><br /><br />
''Syntax: /spawnchange '' <br />
''Syntax: /spawnchange '' <br />
This command enables you to change your spawn place. You can choose between spawning in your home (be it personal or rented) or spawning in the default place.<br />
*This command enables you to change your spawn place. You can choose between spawning in your home (be it personal or rented) or spawning in the default place.<br />
A player that is part of a faction has the possibility to select as a spawn point his faction HQ.<br />
*A player that is part of a faction has the possibility to select as a spawn point his faction HQ.<br />
A player without a faction (civilian) has as spawn points a location from all three cities (Los Santos, Las Venturas, San Fierro) as well as his owned or rented house.<br />
*A player without a faction (civilian) has as spawn points a location from all three cities (Los Santos, Las Venturas, San Fierro) as well as his owned or rented house.<br />
'''You cannot use this command while being wanted by the police!'''
'''You cannot use this command while being wanted by the police!'''<br /><br />
= /eject =
= /eject =
''Syntax: /eject [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
''Syntax: /eject [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
With the help of this command, you can forcefully throw out one of your vehicle's passengers. Only drivers may use it.
*With the help of this command, you can forcefully throw out one of your vehicle's passengers. Only drivers may use it.<br /><br />
= /rob =
= /rob =
''Syntax: /rob '' <br />
''Syntax: /rob '' <br />
[[Alte_sisteme:Rob|Rob]] the bank in a group of 4-8 people or you can select the option "Rob Solo" and you can rob a house/business alone.
*[[Alte_sisteme:Rob|Rob]] the bank in a group of 4-8 people or you can select the option "Rob Solo" and you can rob a house/business alone.<br /><br />
= /robhelp =
= /robhelp =
''Syntax: /robhelp'' <br />
''Syntax: /robhelp'' <br />
This command offers informations about [[Alte_sisteme:Rob|rob]].
*This command offers informations about [[Alte_sisteme:Rob|rob]].<br /><br />
= /service =
= /service =
''Syntax: /service [Taxi/Medic/Mechanic/Lawyer/Towtruck] '' <br />
''Syntax: /service [Taxi/Medic/Mechanic/Lawyer/Towtruck] '' <br />
It sends a request to a taxi driver, a medic, a mechanic, a lawyer or a towtruck to come to you. In this request, your location is specified. It may be accepted or not by them.
It sends a request to a taxi driver, a medic, a mechanic, a lawyer or a towtruck to come to you. In this request, your location is specified. It may be accepted or not by them.<br /><br />
= /report =
= /report =
<img src="" width="300px" style="padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;"><br /><img src="" width="300px"><br /><br />
''Syntax: /report [Text] '' <br />
''Syntax: /report [Text] '' <br />
This command sends a notice request to server administrator. If your request is accepted, an admin shall open your report. You can talk with them through [[Comenzi_uzuale:Chat#.2Fal|/al]]. The maximum number of reports left unopened at any given time is 1. When no admin opens your report in 5 minutes, it closes automatically. <br />
*This command sends a notice request to server administrator. If your request is accepted, an admin shall open your report. You can talk with them through [[Comenzi_uzuale:Chat#.2Fal|/al]].  
'''Mind! The command must be used only to alert admins of serious issues, cheaters or other similar situations. The use of foul language and pointless requests shall not be tolerated and will lead to punishments. '''
*The maximum number of reports left unopened at any given time is 1. When no admin opens your report in 5 minutes, it closes automatically. <br />
'''Mind! The command must be used only to alert admins of serious issues, cheaters or other similar situations. The use of foul language and pointless requests shall not be tolerated and will lead to punishments. '''<br /><br />
= /helpme =
= /helpme =
''Syntax: /helpme [Text]'' <br />
''Syntax: /helpme [Text]'' '''or''' ''Syntax: /n [Text] '' <br />
'''or''' <br />
*This command sends a notice request to server helpers. If your request is accepted, a helper shall open your helpme. If there is at least one helper on duty, your question will be automatically assigned to him. You can recieve a global answer, meaning that the question and its answer will be shown to all players between level 1 and 40. This option can pe toggled off using the command /tog -> Newbie Chat / Chat Începători. Also, the helper can open a private conversation with you. You can talk with them through [[Comenzi_uzuale:Chat#.2Fhl|/hl]]. The maximum number of requests left unopened at any given time is 1. When no helper opens your requets in 5 minutes, it closes automatically. <br />
''Syntax: /n [Text] '' <br />
This command sends a notice request to server helpers. If your request is accepted, a helper shall open your helpme. If there is at least one helper on duty, your question will be automatically assigned to him. You can recieve a global answer, meaning that the question and its answer will be shown to all players between level 1 and 40. This option can pe toggled off using the command /tog -> Newbie Chat / Chat Începători. Also, the helper can open a private conversation with you. You can talk with them through [[Comenzi_uzuale:Chat#.2Fhl|/hl]]. The maximum number of requests left unopened at any given time is 1. When no helper opens your requets in 5 minutes, it closes automatically. <br />
'''Mind! The command must be used only to ask questions related to B-Zone's RPG servers. The use of foul language and pointless requests shall not be tolerated and will lead to punishments. '''
'''Mind! The command must be used only to ask questions related to B-Zone's RPG servers. The use of foul language and pointless requests shall not be tolerated and will lead to punishments. '''
''Note: To use the help system, you need to be under level 40!''
= /speedlimit =
= /speedlimit =
''Syntax: /speedlimit [0 or 90-230] '' <br />
''Syntax: /speedlimit [0 or 90-230] '' <br />
Through this command, you can set a maximum speed for the vehicle you are driving. This speed may vary between 90 km/h and 230 km/h. To remove this restriction, use "/speedlimit 0".
*Through this command, you can set a maximum speed for the vehicle you are driving. This speed may vary between 90 km/h and 230 km/h. To remove this restriction, use "/speedlimit 0".<br /><br />
= /accept =
= /accept =
<img src="" width="800px"><br /><br />
''Syntax: /accept [Service] [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
''Syntax: /accept [Service] [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
You may accept one of these services if another player offers them to you: Drugs, Repair, Job, Live, Refill, Ticket, Paper, Licenses, Escape, Trade, Taxi, Medic, Lawyer, Mechanic, Free, Gun, Materials, Needlicense (for Instructors), Lawyercall, Lesson, Rob, Dice, Alliance, Eventhelper, Pubg, Friend, Bunker.
*You may accept one of these services if another player offers them to you: Drugs, Repair, Job, Live, Refill, Ticket, Paper, Licenses, Escape, Trade, Taxi, Medic, Lawyer, Mechanic, Free, Gun, Materials, Needlicense (for Instructors), Lawyercall, Lesson, Rob, Dice, Alliance, Eventhelper, Pubg, Friend, Bunker.<br /><br />
= /cancel =
= /cancel =
<img src="" width="800px"><br /><br />
''Syntax: /cancel [Service] [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
''Syntax: /cancel [Service] [PlayerID/PlayerName] '' <br />
Refuse any of the above-mentioned services.
*Refuse any of the above-mentioned services.
= /usedrugs =
= /usedrugs =
''Syntax: /usedrugs [Marijuana/Cocaine/Ecstasy/Meth] '' <br />
''Syntax: /usedrugs [Marijuana/Cocaine/Ecstasy/Meth] '' <br />
Allows you to [[Alte_sisteme:Droguri#Tipuri_de_droguri.2C_beneficii_.C8.99i_consecin.C8.9Be| use the drugs you possess]].
*Allows you to [[Alte_sisteme:Droguri#Tipuri_de_droguri.2C_beneficii_.C8.99i_consecin.C8.9Be| use the drugs you possess]].<br /><br />
= /fill =
= /fill =
''Syntax: /fill [percent]'' <br />
''Syntax: /fill [percent]'' <br />
It [[Bizuri:Benzinarii#.2Ffill|refills]] your fuel tank with the specified percentage.
* It [[Bizuri:Benzinarii#.2Ffill|refills]] your fuel tank with the specified percentage.<br /><br />
= /fillgascan =
= /fillgascan =
''Syntax: /fillgascan '' <br />
''Syntax: /fillgascan '' <br />
It [[Bizuri:Benzinarii#.2Ffillgascan|fills]] your gas can.
*It [[Bizuri:Benzinarii#.2Ffillgascan|fills]] your gas can.<br /><br />
= /needlicense =
= /needlicense =
''Syntax: /needlicenses '' <br />
''Syntax: /needlicenses '' <br />
This command sends a request to every online instructor, telling them you are in need of a license. They are notified of your level and language you play in (RO/EN). If the request is accepted, that instructor receives a marker on their map, representing your location, and the others see who accepted it.
*This command sends a request to every online instructor, telling them you are in need of a license. They are notified of your level and language you play in (RO/EN). If the request is accepted, that instructor receives a marker on their map, representing your location, and the others see who accepted it. <br /><br />
= /buyweaplic =
<img src="" width="600px"><br />''NPC to buying weapon license''<br /><br />
''Syntax: /buyweaplic''<br />
*With this command you can buy the '''weapon license''' directly from an NPC without the need for an instructor to give it to you if you have level 5+.
**There is one such NPC at the HQ of each School Instructors type faction as well as an info point about the price.
**Instructors will '''not be able''' to purchase or renew your license from these NPC's.
**Players with wanted will '''only have''' the opportunity to renew their license.
**To be able to get your license from these NPC's you must first request an instructor to first see if there is someone on duty to give you the license. The request will be automatically canceled after 5 minutes of waiting, after which you can get your license yourself.
*The license purchase price varies by tier as follows:
**For players with a level '''between 5 and 9''', the license purchase price is '''$5,000'''.
**For players with a level '''between 10 and 49''', the license purchase price is '''$10,000'''.
**For players with level '''50 or higher''' the purchase price is '''$20,000'''.
'''Note:''' The money paid for the license will go to the server, so no one gets their hands on it.<br /><br />
= /lawyers =
= /lawyers =
''Syntax: /lawyers '' <br />
''Syntax: /lawyers '' <br />
Displays a list of all online lawyers, along with their amount of accept points. You can call them by clicking one.
*Displays a list of all online lawyers, along with their amount of accept points. You can call them by clicking one.<br /><br />
= /animlist =
= /animlist =
<img src="" width="800px"><br /><br />
''Sintaxă: /animlist '' <br />
''Sintaxă: /animlist '' <br />
Displays a list of all available animations on B-Zone's RPG servers.
*Displays a list of all available animations on B-Zone's RPG servers.<br /><br />
= /carradio =
= /carradio =
''Syntax: /carradio '' <br />
<img src="" width="300px"><br /><br />
'''or'''<br />
''Syntax: /carradio '' '''or''' ''Key: R '' <br />
''Key: R '' <br />
*Only drivers may use this command. It opens up a dialogue box from where you can choose the radio station you want to listen to.<br /><br />
Only drivers may use this command. It opens up a dialogue box from where you can choose the radio station you want to listen to. Moreover, you have the possibility to enter a YouTube link so you can listen to your favourite song. Careful, though, not all songs work. If you require assistance on this subject, consult with tutorials available on B-Zone's RPG forum.
= /mp3 =
= /mp3 =
''Syntax: /mp3 '' <br />
''Syntax: /mp3 '' <br />
Almost identical to "/carradio", only it can be used everywhere, on-foot. Requires an MP3 Player (purchasable from a [[Bizuri:24/7|24/7 shop]]) and a [[Shop:Premium_Account|premium account]].
*Almost identical to "/carradio", only it can be used everywhere, on-foot.  
'''Note: Requires an MP3 Player (purchasable from a [[Bizuri:24/7|24/7 shop]]) and a [[Shop:Premium_Account|premium account]].'''<br /><br />
= /throw =
= /throw =
''Syntax: /throwguns [Keys/Guns/Drugs/Materials]'' <br />
''Syntax: /throwguns [Keys/Guns/Drugs/Materials]'' <br />
Using this command, you may throw away the keys, guns, drugs or materials you are bearing. An adequate ''roleplay''-like message appears on the chat for nearby players. The command cannot be used for about 2 minutes if you have been summoned by a police officer.
*Using this command, you may throw away the keys, guns, drugs or materials you are bearing. An adequate ''roleplay''-like message appears on the chat for nearby players. The command cannot be used for about 2 minutes if you have been summoned by a police officer.<br /><br />
= /trade =
= /trade =
Sends an invitation for trade to another player, using the [[Alte_sisteme:Trade|trading]] system.
<img src="" width="600px"><br /><br />
*Sends an invitation for trade to another player, using the [[Alte_sisteme:Trade|trading]] system.<br /><br />
= /givecigarette =
= /givecigarette =
Through this command, a player may offer someone else a cigarette. <br />
*Through this command, a player may offer someone else a cigarette. <br />
''Example: /givecigarette Adi007  shall give the player Adi007 one cigarette.''
''Example: /givecigarette Adi007  shall give the player Adi007 one cigarette.''
= /tog =
= /tog =
Using this command, players will be able to activate or deactivate some functions, messages or logs. They are devided in categories as following:<br />
<img src="" width="300px"><br /><br />
*Using this command, players will be able to activate or deactivate some functions, messages or logs. They are devided in categories as following:<br />
<code>News, Newbie Chat, Advertisments, Whisper Chat, Show Faction Chat, Clan Chat, Damage 'ding', Show HUD, Show Nametags, Event Chat, Spray Messages, Admin Punishments, Confidential Messages, Neons, Surfing, All vehicle neons</code>
<code>News, Newbie Chat, Advertisments, Whisper Chat, Show Faction Chat, Clan Chat, Damage 'ding', Show HUD, Show Nametags, Event Chat, Spray Messages, Admin Punishments, Confidential Messages, Neons, Surfing, All vehicle neons</code>
= /clanleaders =
= /clanleaders =
This command will show all the connected clan leaders.
*This command will show all the connected clan leaders.<br /><br />
= /fps =
= /fps =
This command will create a new text in the upper-right corner or down-left corner of the screen, showing your FPS. <br />
*This command will create a new text in the upper-right corner or down-left corner of the screen, showing your FPS. <br />
The text position, the activation and deactivation are made by successive typing of the /fps command. <br />
*The text position, the activation and deactivation are made by successive typing of the /fps command. <br />
''Note: The /fps command won't work when the players are drunk (used /drink), because in that case the displayed FPS value would be wrong. ''
''Note: The /fps command won't work when the players are drunk (used /drink), because in that case the displayed FPS value would be wrong. ''<br /><br />
= /cheater =
= /cheater =
''Synthax: /cheater [ID/Player] [Cheat] '' <br />
''Synthax: /cheater [ID/Player] [Cheat] '' <br />
This command sends a notice request to the server administrator telling him about a possible cheater. You will receive a message when the admin handles your report.
*This command sends a notice request to the server administrator telling him about a possible cheater. You will receive a message when the admin handles your report.<br /><br />
= /cigarettes =
= /referrals =
= /referrals =
*Această comandă vă arată toți jucătorii online care sunt înregistrați pe ID-ul vostru de referal.<br />
*This command shows you all online players who are registered on your referral ID.<br />
*În dialogul care vă apare o să puteți vedea și unele informații despre aceștia.<br /><br />
*In the dialog that appears you will also be able to see some information about them.<br /><br />
= /clanHQs =
= /clanHQs =
<img src="" width="300px"><br /><br />
<img src="" width="300px"><br /><br />
*Această comandă vă arată lista cu toate HQ-urile clanurilor de pe server cât și ID-ul acestora pentru a le putea localiza prin comanda '''/gps'''.<br /><br />
*This command shows you the list of all the clan HQs on the server as well as their ID so you can locate them with the '''/gps''' command.<br /><br />
= /safeboxes =
= /safeboxes =
*Această comandă vă arată lista cu toate [[Alte_sisteme:Safebox|safebox-urile]] pe care le dețineți pe cont, împreună cu amplasarea acestuia pe harta și capacitatea ocupată din capacitatea totală al acestuia.<br /><br />
*This command shows you the list of all the [[Other_Systems:Safebox|safeboxes]] you own on your account, along with its location on the map and the capacity occupied out of its total capacity.<br /><br />
= /opensafe =
= /opensafe =
*Această comandă vă permite să deschideți [[Alte_sisteme:Safebox|safebox-ul]] pe care l-ați amplasat pe hartă pentru a depozita/extrage/arunca arme/droguri/materiale din aceasta.<br />
*This command allows you to open the [[Other_Systems:Safebox|safebox]] you have placed on the map to store/extract/drop weapons/drugs/materials from it.<br />
'''Notă: Trebuie să vă aflați lângă safebox în momentul în care doriți să-l deschideți pentru a putea interacționa cu acesta.'''<br /><br />
'''Note: You must be near the safebox when you want to open it in order to interact with it.'''<br /><br />
= /clearfp =
= /clearfp =
*Această comandă vă permite să vă folosiți gratuitatea de tip '''ClearFP''' prin care vă scoateți tot Faction Punish-ul pe care îl aveți în acel moment.<br />
*This command allows you to use your free '''ClearFP''' which removes all Faction Punish you currently have.<br />
'''Notă: Comanda poate fi folosită indiferent de cât FP aveți activ pe cont, acesta va fi setat de 0 după folosirea gratuității.'''<br /><br />
'''Note: The command can be used regardless of how much FP you have active in your account, it will be set to 0 after using the freebie.'''<br /><br />
= /goldaward =
= /goldaward =
Această comandă vă arată lista cu [[Alte_sisteme:Gold_Award|cei mai activ 15 jucători]] de pe server la orele reale jucate (fără sleep).<br /><br />
*This command shows you the list of [[Other_systems:Gold_Award|most active 15 players]] on the server in actual hours played (without sleep).<br /><br />
= /premiu =
= /prize =
*Această comandă vă arată tier-ul curent de la [[Alte_sisteme:Rewards/Chest_System|sistemul de cufăr]] împreună cu numărul de ore '''reale''' jucate pe ziua respectivă.<br />
*This command shows you the current tier from [[Other_systems:Rewards/Chest_System|chest system]] along with the number of ''real'' hours played that day.<br />
Tot de aici puteți vedea și informații despre șansele fiecărui premiu pentru un anumit numar de ore jucate pe care îl puteți debloca.<br /><br />
*Also from here you can also see information about the chances of each prize for a certain number of hours played that you can unlock.<br /><br />
= /surrender =
= /surrender =
*Această comandă vă permite să vă predați în Jail dacă aveți drept de predare. Trebuie să așteptați circa 3 minute din moment în care ați folosit comanda, membrii departamentelor vor fi informați iar dacă nu vine nimeni la voi să vă aresteze atunci o să fiți automat arestați de către server.<br />
*This command allows you to surrender to Jail if you have the right to surrender. You have to wait about 3 minutes from the moment you used the command, the members of the departments will be informed and if no one comes to arrest you then you will be automatically arrested by the server.<br />
'''Notă: Dacă nu există niciun membru de departament online pe server la acel moment o să fiți direct arestați fără să mai fie nevoie să aștetați cele 3 minute.'''<br />
'''Note: If there is no online department member on the server at that time you will be directly arrested without having to wait the 3 minutes.'''<br />

Versiunea curentă din 1 iulie 2023 02:48

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română

In this section, you may find general commands of B-Zone's RPG server.


Syntax: /id [PlayerID/PlayerName]

  • The command displays information about the player:
    • Player ID.
    • Player name.
    • Ping between player and server.
    • Player FPS in real time.
    • Current player level.
    • Player status (AFK|SLEEP|AFK & SLEEP).
    • Player faction name.
    • Player type of skin he has owns it (If he wear an Diamond or Onyx) skin.
    • Player skin ID.


Syntax: /pay [PlayerID/PlayerName] [amount]
This command sends the specified amount of cash money to that player. Players with a level lower than 3 may only send 10$ per transaction. The limit for anyone else is $10.000. These transactions shall be made between a few seconds of each other. You must be near that player to send them money.


Syntax: /buy
Through this command, you can buy items from 24/7 shops.


Syntax: /givekey [PlayerID/PlayerName]
This command allows you to hand the keys of the vehicle you're driving (it must be yours) to another player. The owner loses their set of keys. That player remains in possession of the keys until they disconnect or use /throw.


Syntax: /drink [BeverageName]
With this, you can buy beverages from clubs and bars.


Syntax: /turfs

  • The command overlays turfs controlled by gangs over the in-game map.
  • It is visible both on the radar (minimap) and on the bigger map.
  • To remove them, use the same command.


Syntax: /licenses

  • This command displays a list of all your licenses and information about them: whether you have them and their validity period.


Syntax: /requestlicenses [PlayerID/PlayerName]

  • It sends to that player a request to see their licenses. If they accept, you will have displayed on your screen a text box similar to the one on /licenses.


Sintaxă: /skills

  • Afișează skillurile pe care le aveți la joburi și de câte alte puncte mai aveți nevoie pentru a avansa.


Syntax: /sleep
Activate and deactivate the AFK mode.


Syntax: /lotto

  • You place tickets with different numbers for lotto system.


Syntax: /cigarettes
It displays the amount of cigarettes you possess and whether or not you have a lighter.


Syntax: /spawnchange

  • This command enables you to change your spawn place. You can choose between spawning in your home (be it personal or rented) or spawning in the default place.
  • A player that is part of a faction has the possibility to select as a spawn point his faction HQ.
  • A player without a faction (civilian) has as spawn points a location from all three cities (Los Santos, Las Venturas, San Fierro) as well as his owned or rented house.

You cannot use this command while being wanted by the police!


Syntax: /eject [PlayerID/PlayerName]

  • With the help of this command, you can forcefully throw out one of your vehicle's passengers. Only drivers may use it.


Syntax: /rob

  • Rob the bank in a group of 4-8 people or you can select the option "Rob Solo" and you can rob a house/business alone.


Syntax: /robhelp

  • This command offers informations about rob.


Syntax: /service [Taxi/Medic/Mechanic/Lawyer/Towtruck]
It sends a request to a taxi driver, a medic, a mechanic, a lawyer or a towtruck to come to you. In this request, your location is specified. It may be accepted or not by them.


Syntax: /report [Text]

  • This command sends a notice request to server administrator. If your request is accepted, an admin shall open your report. You can talk with them through /al.
  • The maximum number of reports left unopened at any given time is 1. When no admin opens your report in 5 minutes, it closes automatically.

Mind! The command must be used only to alert admins of serious issues, cheaters or other similar situations. The use of foul language and pointless requests shall not be tolerated and will lead to punishments.


Syntax: /helpme [Text] or Syntax: /n [Text]

  • This command sends a notice request to server helpers. If your request is accepted, a helper shall open your helpme. If there is at least one helper on duty, your question will be automatically assigned to him. You can recieve a global answer, meaning that the question and its answer will be shown to all players between level 1 and 40. This option can pe toggled off using the command /tog -> Newbie Chat / Chat Începători. Also, the helper can open a private conversation with you. You can talk with them through /hl. The maximum number of requests left unopened at any given time is 1. When no helper opens your requets in 5 minutes, it closes automatically.

Mind! The command must be used only to ask questions related to B-Zone's RPG servers. The use of foul language and pointless requests shall not be tolerated and will lead to punishments.


Syntax: /speedlimit [0 or 90-230]

  • Through this command, you can set a maximum speed for the vehicle you are driving. This speed may vary between 90 km/h and 230 km/h. To remove this restriction, use "/speedlimit 0".


Syntax: /accept [Service] [PlayerID/PlayerName]

  • You may accept one of these services if another player offers them to you: Drugs, Repair, Job, Live, Refill, Ticket, Paper, Licenses, Escape, Trade, Taxi, Medic, Lawyer, Mechanic, Free, Gun, Materials, Needlicense (for Instructors), Lawyercall, Lesson, Rob, Dice, Alliance, Eventhelper, Pubg, Friend, Bunker.


Syntax: /cancel [Service] [PlayerID/PlayerName]

  • Refuse any of the above-mentioned services.


Syntax: /usedrugs [Marijuana/Cocaine/Ecstasy/Meth]


Syntax: /fill [percent]

  • It refills your fuel tank with the specified percentage.


Syntax: /fillgascan


Syntax: /needlicenses

  • This command sends a request to every online instructor, telling them you are in need of a license. They are notified of your level and language you play in (RO/EN). If the request is accepted, that instructor receives a marker on their map, representing your location, and the others see who accepted it.


NPC to buying weapon license

Syntax: /buyweaplic

  • With this command you can buy the weapon license directly from an NPC without the need for an instructor to give it to you if you have level 5+.
    • There is one such NPC at the HQ of each School Instructors type faction as well as an info point about the price.
    • Instructors will not be able to purchase or renew your license from these NPC's.
    • Players with wanted will only have the opportunity to renew their license.
    • To be able to get your license from these NPC's you must first request an instructor to first see if there is someone on duty to give you the license. The request will be automatically canceled after 5 minutes of waiting, after which you can get your license yourself.
  • The license purchase price varies by tier as follows:
    • For players with a level between 5 and 9, the license purchase price is $5,000.
    • For players with a level between 10 and 49, the license purchase price is $10,000.
    • For players with level 50 or higher the purchase price is $20,000.

Note: The money paid for the license will go to the server, so no one gets their hands on it.


Syntax: /lawyers

  • Displays a list of all online lawyers, along with their amount of accept points. You can call them by clicking one.


Sintaxă: /animlist

  • Displays a list of all available animations on B-Zone's RPG servers.


Syntax: /carradio or Key: R

  • Only drivers may use this command. It opens up a dialogue box from where you can choose the radio station you want to listen to.


Syntax: /mp3

  • Almost identical to "/carradio", only it can be used everywhere, on-foot.

Note: Requires an MP3 Player (purchasable from a 24/7 shop) and a premium account.


Syntax: /throwguns [Keys/Guns/Drugs/Materials]

  • Using this command, you may throw away the keys, guns, drugs or materials you are bearing. An adequate roleplay-like message appears on the chat for nearby players. The command cannot be used for about 2 minutes if you have been summoned by a police officer.


  • Sends an invitation for trade to another player, using the trading system.


  • Through this command, a player may offer someone else a cigarette.

Example: /givecigarette Adi007 shall give the player Adi007 one cigarette.


  • Using this command, players will be able to activate or deactivate some functions, messages or logs. They are devided in categories as following:

News, Newbie Chat, Advertisments, Whisper Chat, Show Faction Chat, Clan Chat, Damage 'ding', Show HUD, Show Nametags, Event Chat, Spray Messages, Admin Punishments, Confidential Messages, Neons, Surfing, All vehicle neons


  • This command will show all the connected clan leaders.


  • This command will create a new text in the upper-right corner or down-left corner of the screen, showing your FPS.
  • The text position, the activation and deactivation are made by successive typing of the /fps command.

Note: The /fps command won't work when the players are drunk (used /drink), because in that case the displayed FPS value would be wrong.


Synthax: /cheater [ID/Player] [Cheat]

  • This command sends a notice request to the server administrator telling him about a possible cheater. You will receive a message when the admin handles your report.


  • This command shows you all online players who are registered on your referral ID.
  • In the dialog that appears you will also be able to see some information about them.


  • This command shows you the list of all the clan HQs on the server as well as their ID so you can locate them with the /gps command.


  • This command shows you the list of all the safeboxes you own on your account, along with its location on the map and the capacity occupied out of its total capacity.


  • This command allows you to open the safebox you have placed on the map to store/extract/drop weapons/drugs/materials from it.

Note: You must be near the safebox when you want to open it in order to interact with it.


  • This command allows you to use your free ClearFP which removes all Faction Punish you currently have.

Note: The command can be used regardless of how much FP you have active in your account, it will be set to 0 after using the freebie.


  • This command shows you the list of most active 15 players on the server in actual hours played (without sleep).


  • This command shows you the current tier from chest system along with the number of real hours played that day.
  • Also from here you can also see information about the chances of each prize for a certain number of hours played that you can unlock.


  • This command allows you to surrender to Jail if you have the right to surrender. You have to wait about 3 minutes from the moment you used the command, the members of the departments will be informed and if no one comes to arrest you then you will be automatically arrested by the server.

Note: If there is no online department member on the server at that time you will be directly arrested without having to wait the 3 minutes.