Translations:Website:Contul meu/4/en: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
1. On this page, dedicated to general information, you can find basic statistics of your account on the main table (image #1):
1. On this page, dedicated to general information, you can find basic statistics of your account on the main table (image #1):
* Name
* Player Name
* E-mail
* E-mail address attached to account.
* 2FA Status
* 2FA Status (active/inactive).
* Join Date
* Date when player register account on server.
* Last Login
* Date when player login last time on server.
* Warnings received from administrators  
* Last season duretion time.
* Amount of gold (real currency) that the player possesses.
* Account status (Active Account/Banned).
* Warning amount received from administrators .
* Amount of gold (gold - curency from game) that the player possesses.
* Whether they are a premium user or not (if it is the former, the expiration date is displayed).
* Whether they are a premium user or not (if it is the former, the expiration date is displayed).
* Account's ban status
* Duration of last session
2. In the second table, you may find details about your character's social status on the RPG server (image #2):
* Its level
* Its ranking
* Amount of respect points
* Amount of played hours
* Amount of played hours in that month
* Its money, both in bank and cash.
* Its crates
3. This is your character's criminal record and lists the following (image #2):
* If the player is married, his/her spouse name
* Committed crimes
* Arrested times
* Wanted deaths (how many times you died after being killed by an officer)
* Quantity of materials
* Quantity of drugs
4. The fourth table on the page contains information about the functions held by the player (image #2):
* Admin Level
* Helper Level
* Leader
5. In the fifth and sixth table on the page there is information about the points accumulated by the player (image #2):
* Accept points
* Accept lawyers
* Mission points
* Rob points
* Escape points
6. In the seventh and eighth table on the page there are various gratuities (image #2):
* Free Change Nickname
* Free VIP
* Free Bails
* Free Hiddens
* Free DS stock
* Free KM reset
* Free Half report
* Free Optional report
* Free FP Clear
* Free Warn Clear
* Free Job skill
<br />
7. In the bottom half of the page, a range of icons represents all your obtainable licenses. Below each of them, a timer shows how many hours your license has left before it expires (image #2).
<br /><br />
8. This page also features a box where your in-game skin is displayed.
<br />
9. At the top left of the page there are two icons, the first being a man with an envelope, and the second a simple man.
* The first icon is visible all the time, and using it you attach (if you want) the forum profile to your sa-mp account.
* The second icon is only visible when you have a Free Name change, and using it you can change your game nickname directly from the website (it only works if you are offline on the game).

Versiunea curentă din 8 mai 2023 16:13

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Definiția mesajului (Website:Contul meu)
1. În principalul tabel al paginii se numără cele mai importante caracteristici ale unui cont (imaginea #1):
*Numele jucătorului
*Adresa de email atașată contului.
*Statusul 2FA (activ/inactiv).
*Data înregistrării contului pe server.
*Data la care jucătorul s-a conectat ultima dată pe server.
*Durata ultimei sesiuni în joc.
*Statusul contului (activ/banat).
*Numărul de avertismente primite din partea administratorilor.
*Cantitatea de aur (gold - moneda din joc) pe care jucătorul o deține.
*Dacă jucătorul deține cont premium sau nu (dacă deține, atunci se va afișa data expirării contului premium).<br /><br />
Traducerea1. On this page, dedicated to general information, you can find basic statistics of your account on the main table (image #1):
* Player Name
* E-mail address attached to account.
* 2FA Status (active/inactive).
* Date when player register account on server.
* Date when player login last time on server.
* Last season duretion time.
* Account status (Active Account/Banned).
* Warning amount received from administrators .
* Amount of gold (gold - curency from game) that the player possesses.
* Whether they are a premium user or not (if it is the former, the expiration date is displayed).

1. On this page, dedicated to general information, you can find basic statistics of your account on the main table (image #1):

  • Player Name
  • E-mail address attached to account.
  • 2FA Status (active/inactive).
  • Date when player register account on server.
  • Date when player login last time on server.
  • Last season duretion time.
  • Account status (Active Account/Banned).
  • Warning amount received from administrators .
  • Amount of gold (gold - curency from game) that the player possesses.
  • Whether they are a premium user or not (if it is the former, the expiration date is displayed).