(Nu s-au afișat 5 versiuni intermediare efectuate de un alt utilizator)
Linia 1:
Linia 1:
* Preţ DealerShip - Preţul pentru care poţi cumpăra un vehicul nou din DealerShip.
* Dealership price - The price for which you can buy a new vehicle from the Dealership.
* Returnare DealerShip - Suma de bani pe care o primeşti în cazul în care îţi vinzi maşina DealerShip-ului (/sellvehicle).
* Dealership refund - The amount of money you receive when selling your vehicle to the Dealership (/sellvehicle).
* Viteză maximă - Viteza maximă pe care vehiculul o poate atinge.
* Maximum speed - The maximum speed a vehicle can reach.
* Provenit din - Nume de maşini reale asociate prin asemănare cu cele din San Andreas.
* Model after - Real life cars that inspired the cars in San Andreas.
* Număr de locuri - Numărul maxim de jucători ce pot intra în acelaşi timp în vehicul (cu tot cu şofer).
* Number of seats - The maximum number of players that can board a vehicle at any given time (including the driver).
* Preţ în gold - Dacă apare în lista informaţiilor unui vehicul, semnifică faptul că vehiculul respectiv este achiziţionabil folosind moneda reală, gold-ul şi afişează cantitatea de gold necesară achiziţionării.
* Price in Gold - If present in the specification list of a vehicle, it marks the said vehicle as purchasable using real currency, gold (so it can also be found on the [[Vehicule_Premium|list of premium vehicles]]), and displays the amount needed.
* Tunabil - În cazul în care vehiculul este tunabil, este afişat numele tuning-ului de care aparţine, iar în caz contrar este afişat mesajul "Nu este tunabil".
* Available for tuning - The name of the Tuning shop to which a vehicle belongs is displayed if that vehicle is tunable, otherwise, the message "Not tunable" is shown.
Versiunea curentă din 18 octombrie 2019 07:47
Dealership price - The price for which you can buy a new vehicle from the Dealership.
Dealership refund - The amount of money you receive when selling your vehicle to the Dealership (/sellvehicle).
Maximum speed - The maximum speed a vehicle can reach.
Model after - Real life cars that inspired the cars in San Andreas.
Number of seats - The maximum number of players that can board a vehicle at any given time (including the driver).
Price in Gold - If present in the specification list of a vehicle, it marks the said vehicle as purchasable using real currency, gold (so it can also be found on the list of premium vehicles), and displays the amount needed.
Available for tuning - The name of the Tuning shop to which a vehicle belongs is displayed if that vehicle is tunable, otherwise, the message "Not tunable" is shown.