Translations:Shop:Vehicule Shop/115/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: Dealership refund - the amount of money you will be returned if you sell your car to the Dealership (/sellvehicle). Maximum speed - the maximum speed a vehicle can reach. Model aft...)
(Nu s-au afișat 2 versiuni intermediare efectuate de alți 2 utilizatori)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
Dealership refund - the amount of money you will be returned if you sell your car to the Dealership (/sellvehicle).
* DealerShip (Gold) Price - the price of the gold purchased with Gold in the DealerShip on the shop.
Maximum speed - the maximum speed a vehicle can reach.
* DealerShip Gold Refund - The amount of money you receive if you sell your DealerShip car (/v -> Vehicle -> Sell).
Model after - the real equivalent of the San Andreas model.
* Maximum speed - The maximum speed the vehicle can reach.
Number of seats - the maximum number of players that can enter the car at the same time (including the driver).
* Model from - Real car names associated by resemblance to those of San Andreas.
Price in gold - The amount of gold needed to buy the vehicle.
* Number of seats - Maximum number of players who can enter the vehicle at the same time (with driver).
Tunable - If it's tunable, the name of the tuning it belongs to will be shown, otherwise the text "Not tunable" will.
* Price in Gold - Represents the amount of Gold required to purchase the vehicle.
* Tunable - If the vehicle is tunable, the name of the tuning to which it belongs is displayed, and otherwise the message "Not tunable" is displayed.

Versiunea curentă din 19 iunie 2020 21:44

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Definiția mesajului (Shop:Vehicule Shop)
* Preț DealerShip (Gold) - prețul bunului cumpărat cu Gold în DealerShip-ul de pe shop.
* Dealership Gold refund - Suma de bani pe care o primeşti în cazul în care îţi vinzi maşina DealerShip-ului (/v -> vehicul -> vinde).
* Viteză maximă - Viteza maximă pe care vehiculul o poate atinge.
* Provenit din - Nume de maşini reale asociate prin asemănare cu cele din San Andreas.
* Număr de locuri - Numărul maxim de jucători ce pot intra în acelaşi timp în vehicul (cu tot cu şofer).
* Preţ în Gold - Reprezintă cantitatea de Gold necesară achiziţionării vehiculului.
* Tunabil - În cazul în care vehiculul este tunabil, este afişat numele tuning-ului de care aparţine, iar în caz contrar este afişat mesajul "Nu este tunabil".
Traducerea* DealerShip (Gold) Price - the price of the gold purchased with Gold in the DealerShip on the shop.
* DealerShip Gold Refund - The amount of money you receive if you sell your DealerShip car (/v -> Vehicle -> Sell).
* Maximum speed - The maximum speed the vehicle can reach.
* Model from - Real car names associated by resemblance to those of San Andreas.
* Number of seats - Maximum number of players who can enter the vehicle at the same time (with driver).
* Price in Gold - Represents the amount of Gold required to purchase the vehicle.
* Tunable - If the vehicle is tunable, the name of the tuning to which it belongs is displayed, and otherwise the message "Not tunable" is displayed.
  • DealerShip (Gold) Price - the price of the gold purchased with Gold in the DealerShip on the shop.
  • DealerShip Gold Refund - The amount of money you receive if you sell your DealerShip car (/v -> Vehicle -> Sell).
  • Maximum speed - The maximum speed the vehicle can reach.
  • Model from - Real car names associated by resemblance to those of San Andreas.
  • Number of seats - Maximum number of players who can enter the vehicle at the same time (with driver).
  • Price in Gold - Represents the amount of Gold required to purchase the vehicle.
  • Tunable - If the vehicle is tunable, the name of the tuning to which it belongs is displayed, and otherwise the message "Not tunable" is displayed.