Translations:Alte sisteme:Wanted & Clear/3/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: = Can anyone manage not to end up in jail? = If you were issued a wanted level and you're wondering whether you can manage not to end up in jail, then the answer is yes. The wanted...)
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Versiunea curentă din 15 noiembrie 2015 22:56

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Definiția mesajului (Alte sisteme:Wanted & Clear)
= Reușește cineva să nu ajungă la închisoare? =
Dacă ți-a fost acordat un anumit grad de urmărire și te întrebi dacă vei scăpa fără să fii trimis la închisoare, atunci răspunsul este da. Gradul de urmărire este contorizat sub formă de steluțe, acestea fiind afișate în partea de sus a ecranului (dreapta). La fiecare 15 minute petrecute în joc, unui infractor îi este ștearsă o steluță. Dacă infractorul scapă de toate steluțele, acesta este liber și nu mai este considerat infractor.
Traducerea= Can anyone manage not to end up in jail? =
If you were issued a wanted level and you're wondering whether you can manage not to end up in jail, then the answer is yes. The wanted level is represented by stars that are displayed in the upper part of the screen (on the right). Every 15 minutes spent in-game, a criminal has one star removed. If they get rid of all their stars, they are no longer considered a criminal.

Can anyone manage not to end up in jail?

If you were issued a wanted level and you're wondering whether you can manage not to end up in jail, then the answer is yes. The wanted level is represented by stars that are displayed in the upper part of the screen (on the right). Every 15 minutes spent in-game, a criminal has one star removed. If they get rid of all their stars, they are no longer considered a criminal.