Translations:Alte sisteme:Waruri/2/en: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 12: Linia 12:
* If both gangs have the same score, the one defending the turf wins the round.
* If both gangs have the same score, the one defending the turf wins the round.
* At the end of every war, it is calculated the best score amongst the winners and the worst score amongst the losers.
* At the end of every war, it is calculated the best score amongst the winners and the worst score amongst the losers.
* On B-Zone's RPG servers, the wars take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 20:00 to 22:00 (RO, GMT+2). During the summer, the wars are held between 13:00 and 15:00 (RO, GMT+2).
* On B-Zone's RPG servers, the wars take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 20:00 to 22:00 (RO, GMT+2). During the summer, wars are fought within a set interval following a survey on the website.
* When a gang fights a war, its members can observe on their map the disputed turf switching colours between the attacker's and the defendant's (to see turfs on the map, use /turfs in-game).
* When a gang fights a war, its members can observe on their map the disputed turf switching colours between the attacker's and the defendant's (to see turfs on the map, use /turfs in-game).
* The gang helicopter cannot be used in a war, but only terrestrial vehicles.  
* During wartime, only personal or mafia-owned ground vehicles may be used. Exception: Journey, Mr.Whoopee, Coach, Hotdog, Packer, Bus, DFT-30, Duneride, Tanker, Petrol Trailer/Article Trailer, Trashmaster, Barracks, Roadtrain, Linerunner, Flatbed and Enforcer.
* Every gang member must follow their leader's and subleader's instructions.
* Every gang member must follow their leader's and subleader's instructions.

Versiunea curentă din 1 noiembrie 2024 18:42

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Definiția mesajului (Alte sisteme:Waruri)
== Desfășurare și informații ==
*Durata unui war este de 30 de minute, iar numărul maxim de war-uri ce se pot desfășura pe zi într-un gang este de 4. 
*Pe toată durata unui war, membrii unui gang au datoria de a ucide cât mai mulți adversari sau de a domina zona pentru a-și îndeplini scopul, acela de a câstiga teritoriul pentru care se luptă.
*Fiecare war se desfășoară în alt virtual world decât cel în care se află ceilalți jucători pentru ca warurile să nu fie influențate.
*Gangsterii reușesc să-și anihileze adversarii folosindu-se de arme precum: Desert Eagle (Deagle), M4, AK47, Rifle, TEC-9 și Combat Shotgun. 
*Odată intrați pe teritoriul de război cu mașina gangului din care provin, gangsterii au la dispoziție 10 secunde să-și poziționeze mașinile favorabil, urmând ca după aceste 10 secunde să fie dați jos automat din vehicul în cazul în care nu au coborât deja.
*De asemenea, odată intrat pe turf, un gangster nu mai poate intra sub niciun fel în vehicul.
*Un război de 30 de minute se desfășoară de-a lungul a 15 runde.
*O dată ce un gangster părăsește turful, acesta va fi considerat încă pe turf pentru câteva secunde.
*Pentru ca un gang să câștige warul, acesta trebuie să domine cel puțin 8 runde.
*Pentru a câștiga o rundă, gangul trebuie să obțină un punctaj mai mare decât al celuilalt, în runda curentă.
*În cazul în care ambele ganguri reușesc să obțină un punctaj egal, gangul care apără teritoriul va câștiga runda.
*La sfarșitul fiecărui război se calculează scorul celui mai bun gangster din echipa câștigătorilor și celui mai slab jucător din echipa învinșilor.
*Warurile au loc pe serverele B-Zone RPG în fiecare luni, marți, miercuri, joi și vineri între orele 20:00-22:00. În timpul verii, warurile se poartă între orele 13:00-15:00.
*Atunci când un gang are un război, membrii respectivelor ganguri vor vedea pe harta jocului teritoriul pentru care se ține războiu, oscilând între culoarea gangului ofensiv și culoarea gangului defensiv (pentru vizualizarea teritoriilor se folosește comanda /turfs).
*În timpul războiului pot fi folosite numai vehicule personale sau deținute de mafie. Excepție: Journey, Mr.Whoopee, Coach, Hotdog, Packer, Bus, DFT-30 și Duneride.
*Fiecare gang are obligația de a asculta indicațiile liderului și subliderilor facțiunii.
Traducerea== Development and information ==
* A war lasts for 30 minutes and the maximum number of wars a gang can take part in daily is 4.
* During the entire war, gang members have the duty of killing as many enemies as possible or to maintain supremacy over the area, so they can earn points and ultimately win the turf.
* Wars are being held inside a different virtual-world than the one normal users play in, so they won't be influenced. 
* Gangsters must destroy their adversaries by using weapons such as: Desert Eagle (Deagle), M4, AK47, Rifle, TEC-9 and Combat Shotgun. 
* Once having entered the turfs with their gang's vehicle, gangsters have 10 seconds to position them favourably. After the 10 seconds have elapsed, the players will be kicked out of their vehicles, if they haven't already exited them.
* Once a gangster leaves the turf, he will still be considered on the turf for a few seconds.
* Moreover, gang members cannot enter vehicles that are on the turf.
* A 30-minute war spans over 15 rounds.
* For a gang to win the war, they must have been victorious in at least 8 rounds.
* To win a round, a gang must have a higher score than the others.
* If both gangs have the same score, the one defending the turf wins the round.
* At the end of every war, it is calculated the best score amongst the winners and the worst score amongst the losers.
* On B-Zone's RPG servers, the wars take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 20:00 to 22:00 (RO, GMT+2). During the summer, wars are fought within a set interval following a survey on the website.
* When a gang fights a war, its members can observe on their map the disputed turf switching colours between the attacker's and the defendant's (to see turfs on the map, use /turfs in-game).
* During wartime, only personal or mafia-owned ground vehicles may be used. Exception: Journey, Mr.Whoopee, Coach, Hotdog, Packer, Bus, DFT-30, Duneride, Tanker, Petrol Trailer/Article Trailer, Trashmaster, Barracks, Roadtrain, Linerunner, Flatbed and Enforcer.
* Every gang member must follow their leader's and subleader's instructions.

Development and information

  • A war lasts for 30 minutes and the maximum number of wars a gang can take part in daily is 4.
  • During the entire war, gang members have the duty of killing as many enemies as possible or to maintain supremacy over the area, so they can earn points and ultimately win the turf.
  • Wars are being held inside a different virtual-world than the one normal users play in, so they won't be influenced.
  • Gangsters must destroy their adversaries by using weapons such as: Desert Eagle (Deagle), M4, AK47, Rifle, TEC-9 and Combat Shotgun.
  • Once having entered the turfs with their gang's vehicle, gangsters have 10 seconds to position them favourably. After the 10 seconds have elapsed, the players will be kicked out of their vehicles, if they haven't already exited them.
  • Once a gangster leaves the turf, he will still be considered on the turf for a few seconds.
  • Moreover, gang members cannot enter vehicles that are on the turf.
  • A 30-minute war spans over 15 rounds.
  • For a gang to win the war, they must have been victorious in at least 8 rounds.
  • To win a round, a gang must have a higher score than the others.
  • If both gangs have the same score, the one defending the turf wins the round.
  • At the end of every war, it is calculated the best score amongst the winners and the worst score amongst the losers.
  • On B-Zone's RPG servers, the wars take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 20:00 to 22:00 (RO, GMT+2). During the summer, wars are fought within a set interval following a survey on the website.
  • When a gang fights a war, its members can observe on their map the disputed turf switching colours between the attacker's and the defendant's (to see turfs on the map, use /turfs in-game).
  • During wartime, only personal or mafia-owned ground vehicles may be used. Exception: Journey, Mr.Whoopee, Coach, Hotdog, Packer, Bus, DFT-30, Duneride, Tanker, Petrol Trailer/Article Trailer, Trashmaster, Barracks, Roadtrain, Linerunner, Flatbed and Enforcer.
  • Every gang member must follow their leader's and subleader's instructions.