Factiuni:El Loco Cartel/en: Diferență între versiuni

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[[File:ellocoLogo.png|thumb|300px|Gang logo]]
[[File:ELCHQ.png|thumb|350px|HQ location]]
[[File:Ordermats.png|thumb|400px|Weapon packages based on rank]]
= General Presentation =
= General Presentation =
El Loco Cartel has its roots in the wild Mexico. <br />
El Loco Cartel is a gang located in San Fierro, that has its roots in the wild Mexico. <br />
The organisation runs business all over the city, selling weapons and drugs. The faction is looking forward to extending itself, defeating the rival gangs that want them dead. <br />
The faction is looking forward to extending itself, defeating the rival gangs that want them dead.
The name is a tribute to El Loco, a crazy gangster who beheaded 49 people. <br />
The name is a tribute to El Loco, a crazy gangster who beheaded 49 people. <br />
El Jefe is looking for eager players to join the organisation. The goal of the gang is to train people who know what respect and teamwork really mean.
El Jefe, the faction's leader, is looking for eager players to join the organisation. The goal of the gang is to train people who know what respect and teamwork really mean, and to succeed in transforming them intro bullet-throwing machineries.  
The main occupations for gangsters on the B-Zone RPG servers are wars with their rival gangs. They fight for supremacy, controlling as many turfs as possible in order to become a well-known and respected faction. To learn more about this, visit our page dedicated to [[Alte_sisteme:Waruri|Wars]].
= Comenzi specifice =
= Faction skins =
'''Note: The ranks of the skins are in general, they may be different depending on the internal rules of the faction.'''
== Skin ID 292 - Leader / Rank 6 ==
*El Jefe / Right Hand
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Skins/292.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD "> <br />
== Skin ID 110 - Ranks 5 and 4 ==
*Vato del Jefe / Pandillero
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Skins/110.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
== Skin ID 109 - Rank 3 and 2 ==
*Solado / Cholo
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Skins/109.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
== Skin ID 108 - Rank 1 ==
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Skins/108.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
== Skin ID 193 - Female ==
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Skins/193.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
= Faction Vehicles =
== Elegant ==
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Vehicles/507.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
* Vehicle: ID 507
* Color: ID 219
* Number of vehicles: 4
* Available in DealerShip: [https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Standard_Vehicles#Elegant Yes]
== Huntley ==
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Vehicles/579.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
* Vehicle: ID 579
* Color: ID 219
* Number of vehicles: 4
* Available in DealerShip: [https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Standard_Vehicles#Huntley Yes]
== Voodoo ==
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Vehicles/412.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
* Vehicle: ID 412
* Color: ID 219
* Number of vehicles: 1
* Available in DealerShip: [https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Standard_Vehicles#Voodoo Yes]
== Maverick ==
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Vehicles/487.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
* Vehicle: ID 487
* Color: ID 219
* Number of vehicles: 1
* Available in DealerShip: [https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Standard_Vehicles#Maverick Yes]
== FCR-900 ==
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Vehicles/521.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
* Vehicle: ID 521
* Color: ID 219
* Number of vehicles: 2
* Available in DealerShip: [https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Standard_Vehicles#FCR-900 Yes]
== Stretch ==
src = "https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/public/img/Vehicles/409.png" style = "width: 250px; background: rgb (247, 247, 247); border-radius: 10px ; border: 1px solid #BDBDBD;"> <br />
* Vehicle: ID 409
* Color: ID 219
* Number of vehicles: 1
* Available in DealerShip: [https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Standard_Vehicles#Stretch Yes]
= Revenues =
== For players without a premium account ==
=== Rank 1 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,1 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 2 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,2 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 3 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,3 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 4 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,4 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 5 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,5 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 6 and Leader ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,6 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
== For players with premium account ==
=== Rank 1 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,6 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 2 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,7 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 3 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,8 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 4 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,9 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 5 ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (2 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
=== Rank 6 and Leader ===
revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (2,1 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)
<br />Note:
*'''''random(15)''' is a random number between 0 and 15.''
*'''''victory_coefficient''' is equal to 0 if the turf is lost and 0,5 if the turf is won.''
*'''''best_coefficient''' is 1 for the best player of the round and 0 for everyone else.''
= Specific Commands =
== /fvr ==
== /fvr ==
Prin executarea comenzii, toate vehiculele neocupate ale facțiunii vor fi respawnate. Comanda este accesibilă de la rang 5 în orice facțiune.
When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.
== /clothes ==
== /clothes ==
Pentru a vă shimba skinul în funcție de rangul deținut, orice membru al unei facțiuni poate să utilizeze comanda /clothes și numai dacă se află într-un magazin de haine.
In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.
== /order ==
== /order ==
Comanda este folosită de către mafioții serverelor pentru a comanda un anumit pachet de arme (pachetele de arme sunt disponibile în funcție de rangul mafiotului). Se folosește un singur parametru în completarea comenzii, ID-ul pachetului de arme.  
This command is used by gangsters to order a certain weapon package (available according to individual ranks). You only need to specify the ID of the package when using the command.  
''Notă: Există un total de 4 pachete de arme.''
''Note: There are a number of 4 different weapon packages. Weapons from each package are listed in the image on the right-hand side.''
== /backup & /cbackup==
== /backup & /cbackup==
În cazul în care un membru al unei mafii are nevoie de ajutor, acesta poate să folosească /backup pentru a cere ajutorul celorlalți membrii din mafie. <br />Pentru a anula cererea de ajutor, se folosește comanda /cbackup.<br />
In case a member of a gang needs help, they can use /backup to ask for assistance from fellow gangsters. <br /> To cancel an assistance request, use /cbackup.<br />
''Notă: Comanda este disponibilă pentru LSPD, SFPD, LVPD, FBI și National Guard.''
''Note: This command is also available for LSPD, SFPD, LVPD, FBI and National Guard.''
== /tie & /untie ==
== /tie & /untie ==
Orice mafiot cu rang 3 sau mai mare are dreptul la utilizarea acestor două comenzi. Ele nu fac altceva decât să răpească, respectiv elibereze un jucător, victima nemaiputând să se miște.
Any rank 3 or above gangster can use both of these commands. All they do is to abduct and free a player, the victim being unable to move meanwhile.
== /fput & /fget ==
== /fput & /fget ==
Comenzile /fput si /fget folosesc unul dintre parametrii următori:
You will need to specify one of the following when using /fput of /fget:
* materials
* drugs
Pentru a depozita materiale sau droguri se folosește comanda /fput, iar pentru a lua se folosește comanda /fget.
To deposit materials or drugs you shall use /fput and to withdraw some, you shall use /fget.
== /stealers ==
== /stealers ==
Comanda afișează o listă cu informații cu privire la toți hoții de autovehicule ale facțiunii, activi în acel moment.
The command displays a list with information regarding all the active car thieves encountered by the faction.
== /ftalkpower ==
With this command a rank 5+ member can disable faction chat for members of lower rank than their chosen rank.
= Useful Links =
== /fwithdrawpower ==
With this command the faction leader can set the minimum rank for extracting money, drugs and respectively materials from HQ.
== Roleplay server 1(RPG1) ==
== /tduty ==
[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/apply/elloco Apply in El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/members/elloco Members of El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/reports/elloco Complaints for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/factionReports/elloco Activity Reports of El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/logs/elloco Logs for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/applications/elloco List of applications for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/ Information on Wars]
With this command, those who are designated as testers by the faction leader can put themselves on duty to perform faction entry tests.
== Roleplay server 2(RPG2) ==
= Useful Links =
[http://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/factions/apply/elloco Apply in El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/factions/members/elloco Members of El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/factions/reports/elloco Complaints for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/factions/factionReports/elloco Activity Reports of El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/factions/logs/elloco Logs for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/factions/applications/elloco List of applications for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/wars/ Information on Wars]
== RPG server 3(RPG3) ==
== RPG server 1(RPG1) ==
[http://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/factions/apply/elloco Aplică în El Loco Cartel]<br />
[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/apply/elloco Apply in El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/members/elloco Members of El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/reports/elloco Complaints for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/factionReports/elloco Activity Reports of El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/logs/elloco Logs for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/applications/elloco List of applications for El Loco Cartel]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/ Information on Wars]
[http://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/factions/members/elloco Membrii El Loco Cartel]<br />
[http://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/factions/reports/elloco Reclamaţii El Loco Cartel]<br />
[http://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/factions/factioellocoeports/elloco Rapoarte de activitate El Loco Cartel]<br />
[http://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/factions/logs/elloco Loguri El Loco Cartel]<br />
[http://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/factions/applications/elloco Lista cu aplicaţii El Loco Cartel]<br />
[http://www.rpg3.b-zone.ro/wars/ Pagina cu Waruri]
= Similar Pages =
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Versiunea curentă din 11 octombrie 2023 17:38

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română
Gang logo
HQ location
Weapon packages based on rank

General Presentation

El Loco Cartel is a gang located in San Fierro, that has its roots in the wild Mexico.

The faction is looking forward to extending itself, defeating the rival gangs that want them dead. The name is a tribute to El Loco, a crazy gangster who beheaded 49 people.
El Jefe, the faction's leader, is looking for eager players to join the organisation. The goal of the gang is to train people who know what respect and teamwork really mean, and to succeed in transforming them intro bullet-throwing machineries.

The main occupations for gangsters on the B-Zone RPG servers are wars with their rival gangs. They fight for supremacy, controlling as many turfs as possible in order to become a well-known and respected faction. To learn more about this, visit our page dedicated to Wars.

Faction skins

Note: The ranks of the skins are in general, they may be different depending on the internal rules of the faction.

Skin ID 292 - Leader / Rank 6

  • El Jefe / Right Hand

Skin ID 110 - Ranks 5 and 4

  • Vato del Jefe / Pandillero

Skin ID 109 - Rank 3 and 2

  • Solado / Cholo

Skin ID 108 - Rank 1

  • Recluta

Skin ID 193 - Female

Faction Vehicles


  • Vehicle: ID 507
  • Color: ID 219
  • Number of vehicles: 4
  • Available in DealerShip: Yes


  • Vehicle: ID 579
  • Color: ID 219
  • Number of vehicles: 4
  • Available in DealerShip: Yes


  • Vehicle: ID 412
  • Color: ID 219
  • Number of vehicles: 1
  • Available in DealerShip: Yes


  • Vehicle: ID 487
  • Color: ID 219
  • Number of vehicles: 1
  • Available in DealerShip: Yes


  • Vehicle: ID 521
  • Color: ID 219
  • Number of vehicles: 2
  • Available in DealerShip: Yes


  • Vehicle: ID 409
  • Color: ID 219
  • Number of vehicles: 1
  • Available in DealerShip: Yes


For players without a premium account

Rank 1

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,1 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 2

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,2 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 3

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,3 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 4

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,4 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 5

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,5 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 6 and Leader

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,6 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

For players with premium account

Rank 1

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,6 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 2

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,7 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 3

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,8 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 4

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,9 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 5

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (2 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 6 and Leader

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (2,1 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)


  • random(15) is a random number between 0 and 15.
  • victory_coefficient is equal to 0 if the turf is lost and 0,5 if the turf is won.
  • best_coefficient is 1 for the best player of the round and 0 for everyone else.

Specific Commands


When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.


In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.


This command is used by gangsters to order a certain weapon package (available according to individual ranks). You only need to specify the ID of the package when using the command. Note: There are a number of 4 different weapon packages. Weapons from each package are listed in the image on the right-hand side.

/backup & /cbackup

In case a member of a gang needs help, they can use /backup to ask for assistance from fellow gangsters.
To cancel an assistance request, use /cbackup.
Note: This command is also available for LSPD, SFPD, LVPD, FBI and National Guard.

/tie & /untie

Any rank 3 or above gangster can use both of these commands. All they do is to abduct and free a player, the victim being unable to move meanwhile.

/fput & /fget

You will need to specify one of the following when using /fput of /fget:

  • materials
  • drugs

To deposit materials or drugs you shall use /fput and to withdraw some, you shall use /fget.


The command displays a list with information regarding all the active car thieves encountered by the faction.


With this command a rank 5+ member can disable faction chat for members of lower rank than their chosen rank.


With this command the faction leader can set the minimum rank for extracting money, drugs and respectively materials from HQ.


With this command, those who are designated as testers by the faction leader can put themselves on duty to perform faction entry tests.

Useful Links

RPG server 1(RPG1)

Apply in El Loco Cartel
Members of El Loco Cartel
Complaints for El Loco Cartel
Activity Reports of El Loco Cartel
Logs for El Loco Cartel
List of applications for El Loco Cartel
Information on Wars

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