Translations:Alte sisteme:Bunker System/17/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: = Bunker Tiers = *From now on, the bunker will have various levels called "tiers", these levels can be unlocked at a certain amount of money generated through the bunker. These tie...)
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Versiunea curentă din 27 aprilie 2023 16:02

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Definiția mesajului (Alte sisteme:Bunker System)
= Tierurile Bunkerului =
*Din acest moment, bunkerul va avea diverse nivele numite '''tieruri''', aceste nivele pot fi deblocate la o sumă anumită de bani generată prin intermediul bunkerului. Aceste tieruri vă vor aduce diferite beneficii după cum urmează:
**'''Bunker Tier 0''' - nivelul de la care începe orice bunker, acesta se deblochează automat la achiziționarea bunkerului, acesta oferă o capacitate maximă de 100 provizii și 100 stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 1''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$20.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''110''' provizii și '''100''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 2''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$40.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''120''' provizii și '''100''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 3''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$60.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''130''' provizii și '''100''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 4''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$80.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''140''' provizii și '''100''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 5''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$100.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''150''' provizii și '''100''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 6''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$150.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''150''' provizii și '''110''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 7''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$175.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''150''' provizii și '''120''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 8''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$190.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''150''' provizii și '''130''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 9''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$220.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''150''' provizii și '''140''' stocuri.
**'''Bunker Tier 10''' - nivelul se deblochează când bunkerul generează '''$250.000.000''', acesta vă va oferi o capacitate maximă de '''150''' provizii și '''150''' stocuri.<br />
*Dacă bunkerul va fi distrus, tierul va fi resetat, dacă veți cumpăra alt bunker veți reîncepe de la tier 0.
*Tierul bunkerului este precizat atât prin intermediul comenzii '''/bunker''', dar și prin intermediul comenzii '''/mybunker''', de la distanță.
Traducerea= Bunker Tiers =
*From now on, the bunker will have various levels called "tiers", these levels can be unlocked at a certain amount of money generated through the bunker. These tiers will bring you various benefits as follows: 
** '''Bunker Tier 0''' - the level from which any bunker starts, it automatically unlocks when the bunker is purchased, it offers a maximum capacity of 100 supplies and 100 stocks. 
** '''Bunker Tier 1''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$20,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''110''' supplies and '''100''' stocks.
** '''Bunker Tier 2''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$40,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''120''' supplies and '''100''' stocks.
** '''Bunker Tier 3''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$60,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''130''' supplies and '''100''' stocks.
** '''Bunker Tier 4''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$80,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''140''' supplies and '''100''' stocks.
** '''Bunker Tier 5''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$100,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''150''' supplies and '''100''' stocks.
** '''Bunker Tier 6''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$150,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''150''' supplies and '''110''' stocks.
** '''Bunker Tier 7''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$175,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''150''' supplies and '''120''' stocks.
** '''Bunker Tier 8''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$190,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''150''' supplies and '''130''' stocks.
** '''Bunker Tier 9''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$220,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''150''' supplies and '''140''' stocks.
**'''Bunker Tier 10''' - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates '''$250,000,000''', it will give you a maximum capacity of '''150''' supplies and '''150''' stocks. 

*If the bunker is destroyed, the tier will be reset, if you buy another bunker you will restart from tier 0.
* The tier of the bunker is specified both by means of the '''/bunker''' command, but also by means of the remote '''/mybunker''' command.

Bunker Tiers

  • From now on, the bunker will have various levels called "tiers", these levels can be unlocked at a certain amount of money generated through the bunker. These tiers will bring you various benefits as follows:
    • Bunker Tier 0 - the level from which any bunker starts, it automatically unlocks when the bunker is purchased, it offers a maximum capacity of 100 supplies and 100 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 1 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $20,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 110 supplies and 100 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 2 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $40,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 120 supplies and 100 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 3 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $60,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 130 supplies and 100 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 4 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $80,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 140 supplies and 100 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 5 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $100,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 150 supplies and 100 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 6 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $150,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 150 supplies and 110 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 7 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $175,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 150 supplies and 120 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 8 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $190,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 150 supplies and 130 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 9 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $220,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 150 supplies and 140 stocks.
    • Bunker Tier 10 - the level is unlocked when the bunker generates $250,000,000, it will give you a maximum capacity of 150 supplies and 150 stocks.


  • If the bunker is destroyed, the tier will be reset, if you buy another bunker you will restart from tier 0.
  • The tier of the bunker is specified both by means of the /bunker command, but also by means of the remote /mybunker command.