Translations:Vehicule Premium/30/en: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
* Dealership price - The price for which you can buy a new vehicle from the DealerShip.
'''Dealership price: $12.000.000<br />
* Dealership refund - The sum of money you recieve if you sell a vehicle to the DealerShip (/v -> Sell).
'''Dealership refund: $7.200.000<br />
* Maximum speed - The maximum speed a vehicle can reach.
'''Dealership Gold refund: $460.000<br />
* Model after - The real equivalent of the San Andreas model.
'''Price in Gold: 3.799 Gold<br />
* Number of seats - The number of players that can enter the vehicle at the same time (including the driver).
'''Maximum speed: 110 KM/h<br />
* Price in gold - The amount of gold needed to buy the vehicle.
'''Model after: Unknown<br />
* Available for tuning - If the vehicle is tunable, the name of the tuning it belongs to will be shown, other wise the text "Not tunable" will be.
'''Number of seats: 2<br />
'''Available for tuning: Not tunable<br />

Versiunea curentă din 9 februarie 2023 05:36

Informații despre mesaj (contribuiți)
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Definiția mesajului (Vehicule Premium)
'''Preţ DealerShip: $12.000.000<br />
'''Returnare DealerShip: $7.200.000<br>
'''Returnare DealerShip Gold: $460.000<br>
'''Preţ în gold: 3.799 Gold<br>
'''Viteză maximă: 110 KM/h<br>
'''Provenit din: Necunoscut<br>
'''Număr de locuri: 2<br>
'''Tunabil: [[TransFender]]<br>
Traducerea'''Dealership price: $12.000.000<br />
'''Dealership refund: $7.200.000<br />
'''Dealership Gold refund: $460.000<br />
'''Price in Gold: 3.799 Gold<br />
'''Maximum speed: 110 KM/h<br />
'''Model after: Unknown<br />
'''Number of seats: 2<br />
'''Available for tuning: Not tunable<br />

Dealership price: $12.000.000
Dealership refund: $7.200.000
Dealership Gold refund: $460.000
Price in Gold: 3.799 Gold
Maximum speed: 110 KM/h
Model after: Unknown
Number of seats: 2
Available for tuning: Not tunable