Comenzi uzuale:Premium/Donatii/en: Diferență între versiuni

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[[File:cmd_shop.jpg|thumb|300px|/shop interface]]
This category of commands uses exclusively the server's real currency (Gold), therefore, we ask that you are extra careful when using them, so no unwanted situations arise.
This category of commands uses exclusively the server's real currency (Gold), therefore, we ask that you are extra careful when using them, so no unwanted situations arise.

Versiunea de la data 6 februarie 2023 03:39

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română
/shop interface

This category of commands uses exclusively the server's real currency (Gold), therefore, we ask that you are extra careful when using them, so no unwanted situations arise.


Any player may use this command to open up B-Zone's virtual shop (as seen in the image) on one of our RPG servers. The shop contains a dialog box presenting you with information as follows:

  • Name of the product - Amount of Gold necessary to purchase.

The title of this dialog box tells you how much Gold you currently possess. If you have enough Gold for a product, its price gets coloured in green, otherwise stays red.


This command may only be used near the Car Colour business. It teleports you to colour change menu, where you can sort through special colours that you can buy with your Gold. These colours are not available through simply /carcolor. The colour change menu is self-explanatory and extremely easy to use.