Alte sisteme:Gold Award/en: Diferență între versiuni

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{{AddedIn||At the end of the month, the most active player will receive 1000 Gold.|}}
{{AddedIn||At the end of the month, the most active player will receive 1000 Gold.|}}
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Sistemul de Gold Award încurajează toţi jucătorii serverelor RPG să fie cât mai activi, sistemul ia în calcul ''doar'' orele jucate la activ, fiecare secundă jucată se contorizează pentru a primi acest bonus. Orele jucate de pe ''/sleep'' nu sunt luate în considerare, se iau în calcul doar orele jucate efectiv.
The Gold Award system encourages all players from the RPG servers to be active, the system takes into consideration ''only'' the true time played by the player, each second being taken into consideration for this bonus. Hours played on ''/sleep'' are not taken into consideration, only actually played time.
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= Caracteristici Generale =
= General Characteristics =
* Puteţi vedea oricând topul celor mai activi jucători din luna respectivă folosind comanda ''/goldaward''
* You can at any time see the top of the most active players in the current month by typing ''/goldaward''
* Pentru a primi suma de 1000 Gold va trebui să fiţi cel mai activ jucător al lunii respective.
* To receive the sum of 1000 Gold you need to be the most active player of that month.
* Restul jucătorilor care sunt pe locul 2 sau mai jos nu vor fi premiaţi.
* All other players will not win anything.
* Orele voastre pentru ''/goldaward'' le puteţi vedea şi pe ''/stats''.
* Yours hours for ''/goldaward'' can also be seen on ''/stats''.

Versiunea curentă din 6 iunie 2020 13:32

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română

Add.png At the end of the month, the most active player will receive 1000 Gold.

List of the most active players

The Gold Award system encourages all players from the RPG servers to be active, the system takes into consideration only the true time played by the player, each second being taken into consideration for this bonus. Hours played on /sleep are not taken into consideration, only actually played time.

General Characteristics

  • You can at any time see the top of the most active players in the current month by typing /goldaward
  • To receive the sum of 1000 Gold you need to be the most active player of that month.
  • All other players will not win anything.
  • Yours hours for /goldaward can also be seen on /stats.