Comenzi uzuale:Chat/en: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 40: Linia 40:
This command sends a message on your [[Shop:Clans|clan's]] chat (only if you are part of one). <br />
This command sends a message on your [[Shop:Clans|clan's]] chat (only if you are part of one). <br />
''Example: "/c message"''
''Example: "/c message"''<br />
== /ac ==
The command sends a message on the chat of the clan alliance you belong to (only if you are part of one). <br />
''Example: "/ac message"''
== /cw ==
== /cw ==
Linia 55: Linia 58:
== /sms ==
== /sms ==
Through this command, you can send text messages to another player's mobile phone. <br />
With this command, you can send messages from your mobile phone to another player using his/her ID or nickname.<br />
''Example: "/sms 3333333 hello", where "3333333" is the phone number and "hello" is the message. '' <br />
''Example: "/sms 123 hello", where "123" is the player ID and "hello" is the message.''<br />
''Note: To find out a player's phone number, use /number. ''
== /call ==
== /call ==
Through this command, you can call a player on their mobile phone. <br />
With this command, you can call a player from your mobile phone using his/her ID or nickname.<br />
''Example: "/call 3333333", where "3333333" is the phone number you wish to call. '' <br />
''Example: "/call 123", where "123" is the ID of the player you want to call.''<br />
''Note: To find out a player's phone number, use /number. ''
== /lc ==
The command can be used by faction leaders and admins 4+ to discuss.<br />
''Example: "/lc message"''<br />
== /al ==
== /al ==
Linia 99: Linia 103:
== /gc ==
== /gc ==
The command is used by gangsters during the "Alliance" war to talk to the alliance. <br />
The command is used by gangsters during the "Alliance" war to talk to the alliance. <br />
''Example: "/gc mesaj"''
''Example: "/gc message"''

Versiunea curentă din 1 iunie 2020 09:45

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English • ‎Română

The commands explained on this page are exclusively used to communicate with other players on the chat.
Multiple types of chats exist and be accessed through various commands:


When typing in this command, you will be shown a list of all players that you had blocked and which cannot contact you. Through selecting "Add player...", you can add a player's ID or name in order to write them on the ignore list. Players on this list cannot whisper to you (/w), send you text messages (/sms), or call you (/call).
When selecting a player from the /ignore list, they will be removed from there.


It is the equivalent of the normal chat, that you can use to communicate with others and does not require a certain command before the message, but only typing in the message in the text box. These messages are visible only to the players whose names you are able to see. Example: "/say message"


This command sends your message on a range a bit larger than on /say, representing a shout.
Example: "/s message"


The message resembles a whisper and can be used to send confidential information only to players whose names you can see. To send this kind of messages you need to be at least level 3.
Example: "/w Adi007 This is a whisper", sends the message "This is a whisper" to Adi007.


The range of the command is equal to the normal chat's (/say), but your message appears between round brackets. Sometimes used for out-of-character talk.
Example: "/b message", displays "Adi007 says: (( message ))"


The command sends a message on your faction's chat (only if you are part of any). It is available for all factions, except for police departments that use /r.
Example: "/f message"


This command is available only to police department members and has the same effect as /f: sends a message to your department colleagues.
Works only if you are part of a police department (LSPD, SFPD, LVPD, National Guard, FBI).
Example: "/r message"


This command sends a message on your clan's chat (only if you are part of one).
Example: "/c message"


The command sends a message on the chat of the clan alliance you belong to (only if you are part of one).
Example: "/ac message"


Works only if you are inside a car. It sends your message to players that are inside the same car as you.
Example: "/cw message"


Represents the abbreviation of the object through which it is spoken, walkie talkie (radio station). It can be bought in a store 24/7. The command only works if you have set a walkie talkie frequency using the /setfreq command.
Example: "/wt mesaj"
Note: The command only works if you have at least level 5.


With this command, you can send messages from your mobile phone to another player using his/her ID or nickname.
Example: "/sms 123 hello", where "123" is the player ID and "hello" is the message.


With this command, you can call a player from your mobile phone using his/her ID or nickname.
Example: "/call 123", where "123" is the ID of the player you want to call.


The command can be used by faction leaders and admins 4+ to discuss.
Example: "/lc message"


It is used when you had sent a report to the admins (/report) for various reasons and an admin has accepted your report. You can communicate with them via this command.
Example: "/al message"


It is used when you had requested assistance from a helper (/helpme) for various reasons and a helper has accepted your request. You can communicate with them via this command.
Example: "/hl message"


It works only if you are the organiser of the event and it sends a message towards all players.
Example: "/e message"


The command only works if you are the organizer or adjuvant of an event. It is used to send a message to all event helpers.
Example: "/ec message"


The command is used to send a message towards all police departments (LSPD, SFPD, LVPD, National Guard, FBI), not only towards the one you belong to.
Example: "/d message"


The command is similar to /d and it is used to send a message towards all taxi companies (LS Taxi, SF Taxi, LV Taxi), not only towards the one you belong to.
Example: "/tx message"


The command is similar to /d and /tx and it is used to send a message towards all School Instructors factions (LS School Instructors, SF School Instructors, LV School Instructors), not only towards the one you belong to.
Example: "/sx message"


The command is used by gangsters during the "Alliance" war to talk to the alliance.
Example: "/gc message"