If you own a business, this page will display an informative table with some details:
If you own a business, this page will display an informative table with some details:
* Business's unique ID.
* Business's unique ID.
Versiunea de la data 27 august 2017 22:07
If you own a business, this page will display an informative table with some details:
Business's unique ID.
Name of the business, set by the owner using the in-game command /bizname.
Minimum level required to own that business.
Cash value of its safe.
Tax set for the business.
Estimated value of the business.
A button (Map) which redirect you to another page. There, you may consult a map of the entire game. On the map, a red marker indicated the business's location.
Below, a graph that contains information about the bussiness's activity in the last 30 days will be built.