General Characteristics
Pagina principală a statisticilor este reprezentată de topul jucătorilor. Topul este actualizat în funcție de nivelul tuturor jucătorilor, fiind afișat într-un tabel paginat. De asemenea în sub-pagini se pot găsi diferite statistici despre server ca și afacerile & casele de pe server, lista ban-urilor date etc.
Statistici RPG1
Statistici RPG2
Top Achievements
This category presents each type of achievement as well as their number.
- General Achievements (30)
- General Faction Achievements (7)
- Peaceful Faction Achievements (20)
- Gangs Achievements (13)
- Departments Achievements (21)
- Mixt Factions Achievements (13)
- Jobs Achievements (108)
- Staff Achievements (16)
- Clans Achievements (13)
- Vehicles Achievements (14)
- Combat Achievements (18)
- Special Achievements (2)
Top monthly played
Last month's top players.
In this category there is a paginated table that includes columns arranged with the players who have done the most hours in a one-month interval.
The following information can be found in the table:
- Place occupied.
- Player name.
- Hours played in the previous month.
- Player level.
- The faction he belongs to.
- The rank he has in this.
The table shows the first 15 most active players, to see the rest of the list you have to go to the following pages.
Top players
A player's ranking is based on his level.
This page contains the following information:
- Top number.
- Player name.
- Its level.
- Number of respect points.
- Number of hours played on the server.
- The faction he belongs to.
- Rank held if part of a faction.
- The job the player holds.
- Number of warnings received from admins.
Weekly referrals
This tab contains a paged table with rows arranged based on the total amount of played hours by all the referred players of the referral player over a week's time. Also, the time interval corresponding to the top is displayed above the table. The table is composed of:
- Position in top
- The name of the referral player
- The total amount of played hours by the referred players
- The total amount of referred players
Top referrals
Here you can see complete data about the referred players. The top is calculated based on the total amount of respect points gained by the referral from the referred players after they had advanced in level. The information is organised in a table using the same method as with the weekly top.
Top Gold Rewards
Top players in real hours from last month.
In this category there is a paginated table that includes columns arranged with the ""first 50 players"" who have the most hours in the current month.
The following information is displayed in the table:
- Player name
- Place occupied
- The level
- Points of respect
- His faction
- Hours played in the current month
Această sub-pagina vă afișează toate interioarele disponibile pe server.
Fiecare interior conține câte o imagine reprezentativă pentru a vedea cum arată.
Fiecare înterior conține următoarele informații:
- Tipul interiorului.
- ID-ul interiorului.
- Cate case există pe server cu acel interior.
Dacă apăsați pe numărul de case cu respectivul interior existente pe server o să fiți redirecționați către o altă pagină cu următoarele informații:
- Numele jucătorului.
- Ore jucate pe luna curentă.
- Nivelul jucătorului.
- Descrierea interiorului.
- Nivelul locuinței.
- Pretul de stat al locuinței.
- Dacă este sau nu pusă la vânzare.
- Dacă este pusă la vânzare apare prețul setat de proprietar în joc.
- Data ultimei logări a sale pe server.
- Locația pe hartă.
Dacă apăsați pe butonul Map o să fiți redirecționați către o pagină cu harta din joc și un punct roșu cu locația exactă a acesteia.
Această sub-pagină cuprinde și ea la rândul ei alte sub-categorii pentru a împărți totalitatea de vehicule în:
- Mașini
- Motociclete
- Bărci
- Aeronave
Cele patru sub-categorii cuprind toate vehiculele disponibile în DealerShip, atât cele premium cât și cele non-premium.
Fiecare vehicul deține sub propria imagine câteva informații despre acesta (imaginea #4):
- Numele modelului
- Prețul în DealerShip
- Numărul de vehicule de acest tip deținute de toți jucătorii serverului.
Dacă apăsați pe numărul de vehicule de un anumit tip deținute de jucătorii serverului, websiteul vă va redirecționa către o pagină ce conține un tabel cu informații.
Informațiile sunt structurate în felul următor:
- Numele proprietarului vehiculului de acel tip
- Nivelul proprietarului
- Modalitatea prin care a fost cumpărat vehiculul (magazin cu moneda reală sau dealership)
- Prețul vehiculului
- Suma de bani pe care jucătorul o primește în cazul vinderii vehiculului către DealerShip.
- Ultima dată la care s-a logat jucătorul pe server.
This category presents each biz model, level, and number of biz per server.
- Restaurant (level 9, 7 present on the server).
- Donut Shop (level 9, 2 present on the server).
- Club (level 10, 5 present on the server).
- Casino (level 10, 4 present on the server).
- Burger Shot (level 10, 10 present on server).
- 24/7 (level 10, 16 present on the server).
- Cluckin' Bell (level 10, 11 present on server).
- Pizza (level 10, 10 present on the server).
- Clothes Store (level 13, 16 present on the server).
- Pay 'n' Spray (level 15, 10 present on the server).
- Gas Station (level 15, 19 present on the server).
- Tuning Shop (level 15, 5 present on the server).
- Hotdog Company (level 17, 3 present on the server).
- War Arena (level 20, one present on the server).
- Boat Rent (level 20, one present on the server).
- Bike Rent (level 20, 3 present on the server).
- Bank (level 20, 3 present on the server).
- Racing Arena (level 20, one present on the server).
- Paintball Arena (level 20, one present on the server).
- House Upgrade (level 20, one present on the server).
- Phone Company (level 20, one present on server).
- Car Rent (level 25, 3 present on the server).
- Hospital (level 25, one present on the server).
- Government (level 25, 5 present on the server).
- Gungame Arena (level 25, one present on the server).
- Towing Business (level 30, one present on the server).
- Gun Shop (level 30.3 present on the server).
- Car Upgrade (level 35, 3 present on the server).
- CNN (level 35, 3 present on server).
- PUBG Arena (level 25, one present on the server).
- Poker Casino (level 10, one present on the server).
- Vehicle Insurance (level 35, one present on server).
- White Weapons Store (level 20, 3 present on the server).
- Plane Rent (level 20, one present on the server).
- Farmer Biz (level 10, one present on the server).
- Sex Shop (level 20, 3 present on the server).
This sub-page displays all 3 existing bunkers on the server along with the following information:
- A representative image of each bunker.
- The name of the bunker.
- Number of players owning that type of bunker.
This sub-page contains 3 other sub-pages:
Onyx Skin
Diamond Skin
Normal Skin
- Normal Skins
- All Bronze/Silver/Platinum skins that exist on the server are displayed in this category.
- The image of the Platinum skins contains a specific color to be able to identify them more easily.
- The following information can be found under the image of each skin:
- The ID of the skin.
- Sex of the skin.
- Skin type.
- The value of the skin in money.
- The value of the skin in gold.
- How many skins of this type exist on the server.
- DiamondSkins
- All Diamond skins that exist on the server are displayed in this category.
- The image of the skins contains a specific color to be able to identify them more easily.
- The following information can be found under the image of each skin:
- The ID of the skin.
- Sex of the skin.
- Skin type.
- How many skins of this type exist on the server.
- Onyx Skins
- All Onyx skins that exist on the server are displayed in this category.
- The image of the skins contains a specific color to be able to identify them more easily.
- The following information can be found under the image of each skin:
- The ID of the skin.
- Sex of the skin.
- Skin type.
- How many skins of this type exist on the server.
Each player can choose a job from a list of 17 jobs. Depending on the player's level, the jobs are legal and illegal.
- Legal jobs:
- Quarry Worker
- Lumberjack
- Garbage Man
- Bus Driver
- Trucker
- Farmer
- Miner
- Fisherman
- Chemist
- Detectives
- Transporter
- Machanic Chariot
- Archaeologist
- Lawyer
- Craftsman
- Illegal jobs:
- Drug Dealer
- Car Jacker
- Arms Dealer
- Pocket Thief
Ban list
This page lists every player that has been banned, as well as the reason, duration, time and the admin who banned them.== Ban list == This page lists every player that has been banned, as well as the reason, duration, time and the admin who banned them.