Joburi:Drugs Dealer/en: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: = Available vehicles based on skill = *Skill 1 - Benson *Skill 2 - Benson *Skill 3 - Topfun Van *Skill 4 - Topfun Van *Skill 5 - Any personal vehicle.)
Linia 40: Linia 40:
=Vehicule în funcție de skill=
= Available vehicles based on skill =
*Skill 1 - Benson
*Skill 1 - Benson
*Skill 2 - Benson
*Skill 2 - Benson
*Skill 3 - Topfun Van
*Skill 3 - Topfun Van
*Skill 4 - Topfun Van
*Skill 4 - Topfun Van
*Skill 5 - Orice vehicul personal
*Skill 5 - Any personal vehicle.

Versiunea de la data 5 septembrie 2015 22:03

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română

General Characteristics

  • To get this job, you have to be at the San Fierro crack house (see image #1). The job is illegal, which means that at some point, you will get a wanted level when starting working. Resembling real life, when you're transporting small quantities of drugs (skill 1 and 2), the police won't notice your illegal activities. However, once you advance to skill 3, the police will detect any transports you attempt to make and give you a wanted level according to your skill.
  • This job is composed of two elements:
    • Transporting drugs (/work).
    • Consuming drugs. Learn more about drugs, addiction and consume on the page dedicated to Drugs.
  • There is one crack house in each city, each location being available to /work.
  • The maximum amount of drugs a player can carry is 2147483630.
  • When using /work, players skilled 3 and 4 will receive a +1 wanted level and players skilled 5 will receive a +3 wanted level.

Revenues based on skill for players without a premium account (per route)

  • Skill 1 - Approximately $847. The average time to complete a route is 98 seconds.
  • Skill 2 - Approximately $937. The average time to complete a route is 91 seconds.
  • Skill 3 - Approximately $1.054. The average time to complete a route is 80 seconds.
  • Skill 4 - Approximately $1.201. The average time to complete a route is 76 seconds.
  • Skill 5 - Approximately #1.354. The average time to complete a route is 57 seconds.


  • Formula used to determine revenues:
    • Skill 1 - (846 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
    • Skill 2 - (934 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
    • Skill 3 - (1046 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
    • Skill 4 - (1196 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
    • Skill 5 - (1346 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
  • premium_coefficient is equal to 1 if you don't have a premium account and equal to 1.5 if you do have a premium account.
  • random(10) is a random number between 0 and 10.

Routes required for skill advancement

  • To advance from skill 1 to skill 2, you need to complete 50 route.
  • To advance from skill 2 to skill 3, you need to complete 50 route.
  • To advance from skill 3 to skill 4, you need to complete 100 route.
  • To advance from skill 4 to skill 5, you need to complete 200 route.

Available vehicles based on skill

  • Skill 1 - Benson
  • Skill 2 - Benson
  • Skill 3 - Topfun Van
  • Skill 4 - Topfun Van
  • Skill 5 - Any personal vehicle.

Comenzi specifice


Folosind această comandă serverul vă va oferi vehiculul corespunzător, în funcție de skill pentru a începe munca. În cazul în care nu vă aflați destul de aproape de locația stabilită ca loc de începere a misiunilor, serverul vă va ghida către această zone fixându-vă un punct roșu pe radar.


Această comandă este folosită de către angajații jobului lângă unul dintre cele trei sedii, pentru a-și procura droguri pentru uz în scopuri personale. Pot fi cumpărate doar cantităţi limitate de droguri, după cum urmează:

  • Skill 1 - Nu poate cumpăra droguri de la un sediu (crack house).
  • Skill 2 - Nu poate cumpăra droguri de la un sediu (crack house).
  • Skill 3 - Maxim 25 de grame de droguri pe oră.
  • Skill 4 - Maxim 25 de grame de droguri pe oră.
  • Skill 5 - Maxim 50 de grame de droguri pe oră.


Folosind această comandă, un jucător poate să vândă o anumită cantitate de droguri unui alt jucător, contra unei sume de bani.